“Well, don’t do that.”

Gio shook his head. “This is impossible. Even if they did break up, it still wouldn’t be cool.”

“Look,” Gio heard Noah take a deep breath. “I’m gonna tell you what the girls’ theory was that night after you guys left. There are a few things you should consider before getting too caught up with her. First of all, what does she have to say about all this crap they’re saying about him and that other chick in Chicago?”

Gio pinched the bridge of his nose. “Nothing. She’s never talked about it and I’ve never brought it up. I don’t even know if she knows.”

“She’s gotta know,” Noah said quickly. “It’s funny that this chick who seems to be talking so openly and freely with you wouldn’t mention something this big to you. They’ve been talking about it all over. The girls had a theory.”

Gio didn’t say anything but he didn’t like Noah’s tone when talking about “this chick” so he waited.

“First thing, I will say they thought the attraction between you two went both ways. According to them, she seemed to have just as hard a time keeping her eyes off you as you did her.”

Gio waited for the big “But” he could feel coming.

“But they also wondered if she could possibly be doing this to get back at Felix for what he might be doing to her. Maybe she’s using you—”

“No.” Gio sprang to his feet. “She wouldn’t do that.”

“What else could it be, G? You really think she thinks this is gonna have a happy ending? Think about it.” He paused to take what sounded like a drink of his coffee.


Gio took the moment to pace in the spacious bathroom. Noah was starting to irritate him. Bianca was just as surprised by yesterday’s turn of events as he was. She’d planned this about as much as he had.

“If what the girls were saying is true,” Noah continued, “she’s the only one in this equation getting exactly what she wants—the famous rich boyfriend and his hot friend on the side.”

“Nope,” Gio said, stopping in front of the mirror as his insides began to ignite all over again. “This wasn’t planned.”

“It’s just something to consider.”

“Not considering it. Because it’s not true.” His irritation with Noah had just reached another level. “So Roni thinks I’m hot, huh?”

“All right!” Noah snapped. “Don’t be an idiot. I’m not trying to piss you off. But you gotta admit it’s a possibility.”

“That’s not Bianca, okay? If you knew her like I do now, you’d know why that’s not even a possibility. I’ve been with girls like that and Bianca isn’t one of them. So let’s just throw this little f**king theory of yours out the window, okay?”

Gio heard Noah let out a low whistle. “I guess you have fallen hard.”

He ran his hand through his hair completely frustrated. “Yeah, and you of all people know what that feels like, so help me out here. What do I do?”

Noah exhaled. “Damn it. I had a bad feeling the moment you first told me she was even up there. Whatever happens this isn’t gonna end well. You know that right?” Gio nodded as if Noah could see him. “Have you talked to Felix?”

“About this?” Gio stared at his own stunned expression in the mirror.

“No. Remember we talked about maybe you telling him not to be such a heartless ass. He may not even be that into her. Maybe he is seeing that other chick in Chicago. Find out. It might not be such a big deal if you wait for him to dump Bianca and then go after her.”

That had been Gio’s only thread of hope since the beginning. But after getting to know Bianca even better, the idea that Felix wouldn’t really be into her seemed even more impossible now.

After talking to Noah for a little longer and not getting much more help, the only conclusion he’d come to was he needed to talk to Felix and find out exactly where things stood. How concrete was the relationship between him and Bianca? And what chance, if any, did Gio have of walking away from this with his heart still intact?


It kept happening. As much as Bianca tried to act normally, she couldn’t help but tense up every time Felix snuggled up to her. It was just a matter of time before he noticed there was something very wrong. He’d already noticed it earlier when he kissed her neck on their way into the bedroom and she all but moved away. When he asked what was wrong she played it off but she saw it in his confused expression, though he let it go.

After a day away she’d normally be all for a quickie before she had to leave to go work but today she’d told him she was in a hurry even though she didn’t actually have to be at her grandmother’s shop for another hour.

What had she been thinking? That it would all go back to normal? That being with him again after yesterday would feel the same? Nothing felt the same now. This was all wrong but Bianca didn’t know how to fix it without calling the whole thing off and walking out of not only Felix’s life but Gio’s as well. That was a sacrifice she just wasn’t willing to make—didn’t think she could.

Bianca was just finishing putting on her shoes when Felix walked out of the bathroom wearing only his training shorts. Before she could finish he was by her side on the bed caressing her face. “You have no idea how much I missed you,” he said before kissing her lips softly. She immediately tensed up and he stopped and pulled away looking at her very seriously. “Okay, we need to talk. I know why you’re acting like this. My gig wasn’t canceled, Bianca. I canceled it so I could get back here as soon as possible.”

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