So why couldn’t he stop himself? It’s like something came over him when he’d see her get caught in his eyes. It would happen so fast and without warning—like a switch she’d turn on with just one look and as wrong as he knew it was, he was helpless to fight it.

His phone buzzed again and he read the text:

You sure? These two went on and on about it.

It was tempting to just call Noah and spill his guts but it was too soon. Truth was, as intense as some of the moments they’d had, it could mean nothing. He kept saying it to himself. Bianca had this innocence about her. It was highly probable that she was completely clueless about what she was doing to his horny ass.

Yes, I’m sure.

Gio was purposely being vague. He could add things like ‘I wouldn’t do something like that,’ but that statement was no longer one he could say or even text with steadfast conviction.

He closed his eyes trying to push away what was beginning to feel like obsessive thoughts of her. The most pressing questions of all and what had Gio tied up in knots were: Did she know she was doing this to him? Could it be possible that sweet little Bianca knew she was driving her boyfriend’s friend f**king nuts? But even more burning, why? Gio had heard her tell Felix she loved him. Saw the tears and hurt in her eyes when he hadn’t made it up on time. She’d run out and greeted him with such excitement the day he finally did get there.

It made no sense. Gio had met plenty of girls who’d been willing to have a go with him even though they had boyfriends. But they weren’t anything like Bianca. They were wild ass skanks whose boyfriends probably knew exactly what they were dealing with.

After the night they’d all gone out Gio had begun to think maybe it was better if he left—told Felix he couldn’t stay—made something up. The ride home that night and his conversation with Bianca had been as close to the fire as he could get without touching it.

Now he had proof that he hadn’t imagined what had happened at Noah’s dinner—he wasn’t the only who’d seen it. Would he be more tempted now to play with fire? He couldn’t even be sure what her reaction would be if he did the unthinkable like give into the urge to taste her mouth just once.

Just a few weeks ago Gio might’ve punched someone in the face who so much as insinuated that he could be the type of friend that would even be thinking something like this. Felix may be flawed and probably unworthy of Bianca but he was his friend and they went way back.


Another text from Noah:

That’s what I thought. Sorry I even questioned you, man. Girls are quick to jump to conclusions. I’ll keep that in mind from here on. Goodnight.

Gio brought his fist to his forehead with a groan. Great. No guilt there. He’d be sleeping real soundly tonight.


For the next three days Bianca had managed to keep herself preoccupied with school and work in the mornings and early afternoons while Felix worked out. Then in the evenings, she’d be back at the cabin with him.

Toni had called and texted her in the past few days excited that she’d seen her on TV and in the tabloids. Well, photos and some footage of her getting into her car or walking onto the small satellite university campus where she attended the only class she wasn’t taking online. They’d been pretty sneaky so far and surprisingly respectful of her space because most of the photos Toni had mentioned Bianca hadn’t even been aware when they’d been taken. Only once had she noticed a photographer across the parking lot aiming his camera at her. She’d never understand how celebrities could stand it. It had totally crept her out.

Bianca had to laugh at how giddy all this made her friend. The woman was glued to the television and her computer now that she had friend who was actually part of her favorite pastime—reading the gossip columns.

She was on the phone with her now, as Bianca drove back to the cabin. Usually Felix either picked her up himself or he sent a car if he wasn’t done training but he’d be leaving early the next morning for Los Angeles to do some promoting and wouldn’t be back until the following night. Felix could have a driver drive her around in one of his fancy Towne cars while he was gone but Bianca felt more comfortable in her little Civic. She still felt a little weird about knowing there was a driver waiting on her when she went shopping or stopped by to visit with Toni.

“Why aren’t you going with him?” Toni whined.

Bianca crinkled her nose. “Because he’ll be busy the whole time and I’ll be cooped up in a hotel room.”

“I’m sure he’d find a way to keep you entertained,” Toni countered.

“By myself? No thanks. Besides I have school and work.”

“He’s doing the Late Night show. You could meet Conan O’Brian!”

Toni’s exasperation made Bianca laugh. “I’m sure I’ll get a chance to meet him some other time.” Bianca had already met a few celebrities because of Felix and she never felt quite as star struck as she knew Toni would’ve been but at the risk of having her friend pass out she wouldn’t mention her lack of interest in meeting the late night mogul.

“So, are you staying at his cabin tomorrow night anyway or are you going home?”

The question was one Bianca had contemplated for days. Felix had actually suggested she and Gio go do something tomorrow. Go snowboarding again or catch a movie. She knew it was only because he felt bad about leaving Gio up there on his own. The past few nights he’d hung out with them after dinner watching television or playing pool. Felix had even asked him if he wanted to join them in the hot tub last night which Gio immediately declined. Ray and Ignacio weren’t much for socializing. They were always calling it a night and heading to their rooms right after dinner. Some of the nights, like the first night Gio had got there. they didn’t even join them for dinner but took their food back to their rooms instead.

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