She gasped as his big arms picked her up by the waist and off her feet. Soft hopeful laughter escaped her as he cradled her in his arms and he carried her up the stairs toward the front door of the cabin.

Although she felt somewhat content and wanted to believe that he’d done nothing with Shelley, Bianca had to wonder if this would ever end. If she’d ever trust him completely. She hated to think this would forever be a part of their relationship and she hated how fast and easy it was for her to believe he could do something like that to her. The knot in the pit of her stomach was now gone but it was replaced with something else. Something that overshadowed what should’ve been an enormous relief. Instead, it was disconcerting and confusing.


As they turned into the back entrance driveway of the club Bianca was relieved to see the entourage of paparazzi that had followed them the whole way there was not allowed in the back way. She let out a slow sigh of relief and Felix squeezed her hand. “You okay?”

She smiled and nodded, glad now that poor Gio, even in all the obvious pain he was in had still come along anyway. He seemed just as unnerved about the paparazzi as she was only for some reason he looked more irritated than nervous about them. But clearly it was new to him too. Felix and Andy, who also accompanied them in the limo tonight, were completely unfazed by the attention.

“It’s a private party so the entire club is open only to invited guests. They,” Felix gestured back to the paparazzi vans left behind. “are not invited.”

Of course, there were reporters present but since they were invited, Felix said they’d be on their best behavior unless they never wanted to be invited back to one of these events.

Bianca had been to this particular club once before with Toni. But she didn’t realize it had a VIP section. Then it dawned on her this area had been open to everyone the night she’d been there. They actually created a VIP section just for Felix and his guests by closing off one of the corners of the bar area. They’d only been sitting enjoying their first round of drinks for a few minutes when one of Felix’s bodyguards standing by the entrance of the VIP section called him over.

“I’ll be right back,” he whispered in Bianca’s ear before kissing her softly and then stood.

She watched as he walked over to his large bodyguard. As his bodyguard moved out of the way she saw who was standing there waiting for Felix: a tall brunette in a very tight little black dress.

Bianca was immediately on alert. She’d heard about the groupies, even from Felix, though she didn’t think his bodyguards would be stupid enough to call him over to meet with any while he was having drinks with his girlfriend.


She noticed Gio was watching Felix closely as well and if she wasn’t mistaken he seemed just as irritated by seeing the girl with Felix as she was. She glanced back at Felix when she saw Gio’s irritated expression give way to a sudden smirk.

Felix was on his way back to their table with the girl. Bianca sat up a little straighter unsure of how exactly to react to this. “Evelyn, I’d like you to meet my beautiful girlfriend Bianca.”

“Nice to meet you, Bianca.” Evelyn reached out her hand and they shook. She was tall and gorgeous with dark straight hair. Bianca found solace in that not only had Felix introduced Evelyn to her first but he’d made it clear she was his girlfriend. “Evelyn is a friend of my promoter.” Bianca forced a polite smile not sure what that meant.

It also bothered her that Evelyn had obviously met Andy before. Who the hell was she really? And why was she here now? Then her thoughts were muddled when he introduced Evelyn to Gio. “Evelyn, this is my good friend and now one of my trainers, Gio.”

Gio stood up, a quick wince escaping him, no doubt a reaction to his still sore limbs. Bianca caught the widening of Evelyn’s eyes as she got her first look at Gio up close. The guy was so good looking already and tonight he looked, in a word—delicious. Felix had told them it was semi-formal attire so he’d lent Gio one of his many suits. Felix was ruggedly handsome in his own suit but seeing Gio all done up was something else. The man was perfection on a stick already. Though he’d refused to wear the entire three piece suit he did wear charcoal grey slacks, a long-sleeved white dress shirt and black velvet vest. Since Gio’s chest and back were a little bigger than Felix’s the vest hugged him showing off the glorious hard pecs she’d been privy to last night in the hot tub.

Things were starting to make sense now and if this was what it looked like, Evelyn was who Felix had mentioned hooking Gio up with last night. Great. She’d been glad when Felix told her Gio would be there tonight. Not that there was anything wrong with Ray and Ignacio who were there now also but she knew what had happened the other times she’d gone out with Felix. Inevitably, there’d be moments when Felix would be pulled away for pictures with fans or autographing.

Felix usually asked Ray and Ignacio to keep her company while he was busy but neither of them were much for talking. Any conversations with them were short and polite and in no way playful or engaging. With Gio here tonight she’d looked forward to at least some entertaining conversation.

She watched as Evelyn spoke with Gio, for some reason hating the incredibly fake way she laughed. The girl was gorgeous and yes, while Bianca could understand why a girl even as beautiful as her could be taken in by Gio, she really didn’t have to try so hard. Judging by the smile on his face, he liked what he saw.

“How we doing?” Felix asked as he sat down next to her and slipped his hand in hers.

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