Her eyes went from his arms to his alarmed expression and she pressed her lips together in an effort to suppress the incredible urge to laugh. The alarm in his eyes turned into humor. “You’re loving this, aren’t you?”

The only thing that kept her from laughing outright was that the sparkle in his green eyes was so incredible. The urge to sigh deeply won out over the urge to laugh by a mile. She settled for a very satisfying smile and she raised her chin. “Actually, believe it or not, I’m very concerned for your safety.” She motioned for him to sit. “Here, unstrap the right one.”

He sat and did as he was told. “What’s the point of two straps if you only need one on?”

“You’ll need them both on when you’re actually snowboarding but when you’re walking around and getting on and off the lift you only keep one on so your other foot is free to move on and off the board.” He glanced up at her as the strap pulled open and Bianca wondered how long it would take to get used to those eyes. “Jesus, Gio. Which one of your parents did you get such amazing eyes from?”

Unbelievably, the sparkle in his eyes got even more brilliant with his smile. “My mom and thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” she smiled back, feeling just a little bit embarrassed that she was so blunt about it, but it couldn’t be helped. “I’ve never seen anything like them.”

His smile waned a bit as those eyes looked deep into hers for a moment. “I could say the same about yours.”

She forced her eyes away from his penetrating stare feeling her face warm. “Mine are just plain brown.”

“They’re anything but plain, Bianca. They’re beautiful. But I’m sure this isn’t the first time you’ve heard that.” He stood up placing his freed boot on the snow and looked down.

It wasn’t the first time but she wasn’t about to brag. “Bambi,” she blurted out trying to keep the moment from getting awkward.

“Huh?” Gio’s eyes met hers again and she smiled at his comical expression.


“It’s what Felix calls me sometimes. He says I have Bambi eyes.”

A slow smile spread across Gio’s face. “Nice. I think he hit it on the nose. Bambi eyes—that’s perfect.”

As sweet as his smile was Bianca knew it was wrong to be enjoying it so much, so she pulled her eyes away and glanced at his now freed boot. “Okay, so let me show you how to walk in these. Stand like me.”

They went over the basics on how to walk around on the board and what to do and what not to do. Then finally they did a little skating. Although she tried her best, she wasn’t able to keep from laughing at his clumsiness. After he fell for the third time Bianca meant to keep her laughter to a minimum but she did the stupid squeak thing that got her going good.

She hid her face behind her gloved hands and peeked between her fingers as she continued to laugh. Gio didn’t even attempt to get up. Instead, he brought his knees up and rested his arms on them looking very exhausted already but he couldn’t hide the smile. He squinted up at her. “You’re having way too much fun at my expense. You know, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you planned this. Probably planned the time you taught Felix, too. For your own amusement.”

Bianca managed to calm her laughter but still giggled. “I did not!” She pouted but somehow she didn’t think he’d buy into it since her lip was still quivering from her stifled laughing. “My boyfriend was supposed to be here today remember?” As the laughter ceased she was able to pout more convincingly until she saw the appalled look on his face and his eyes go wide open.

“Am I supposed to feel sorry for you now after you’ve laughed at me all morning?”

With that, she was at it again. “I wasn’t laughing at you.” She offered him her hand and he took it. “I was laughing with you. We’re having fun, right?”

With a grunt and a pull from Bianca, he was on his feet again. “Yeah, my ass is having a blast.” Gio dusted his behind off.

Bianca managed to calm her laughing and pulled her phone out. “Not to scare you or anything but let’s get each other’s number just in case we get separated. Sometimes these boards have a mind of their own. If anything happens we can find each other easier this way.”

“Somehow,” Gio said, unzipping his jacket, “I don’t think I’ll hear my phone ringing under all these layers but, if you say so.”

“Yes, I say so. You’d be surprised.”

They programmed each other’s number in their phones but when Gio stuck his back in his jacket he motioned up to the mountain. “I hate to break it to you, but I don’t think you’re gonna get me up there today.”

“You have to!” Bianca’s laughing mood was gone now. He couldn’t be serious but he shook his head. “Really? A big tough boxer like you is gonna let a few tumbles scare him?”

Gio laughed at that. “Hey, let’s not get personal.” Taking a deep breath, he took in the mountain again. “Maybe after I’ve had some lunch. I know we had a big breakfast but I’ve worked up an appetite.”

“Agreed,” she said, taking her gloves off and pushing them into her jacket pocket. She reached her hand out to him. “Take my hand. I don’t want you falling again and changing your mind.”

Bianca meant to just latch her hand in his to help him back to the bench and she thought he’d keep his gloves on. But he took his glove off before reaching for her hand and their fingers automatically laced.

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