He had come so close to getting Grace to come with him back to Geneva, at which time he would have had her killed and none of this nonsense would even be happening. There would simply have been no triad. But she had been more powerful than he had thought possible and had resisted him.

He mentally shut off all the lights in his office, turned off the various electronic devices, and stretched out on the floor.

He needed to relax. He needed to think about how he would bring pressure to bear on Endelle’s coming spectacle.

His first thought was a number of well-placed bombs that would take out her administrative headquarters as well as the Camelback Parade Grounds, but that was illegal.

On the other hand, with his plans on the tipping point of annihilation, what did he care for legalities? He would think about that. If he struck first, if he bombed the spectacle, he would gain an enormous advantage because obsidian flame would be destroyed.

His thoughts grew more and more focused on this concept so that within a few minutes, he’d made the decision to move forward with his plans.

* * *

Leto had taken great pains to get Medichi’s house ready for Grace. He’d been in a state of partial arousal for the past several hours. She knew it, too, since she could feel all his external sensations. And just a moment ago, she’d sent, We had a long walk, but I’m almost at the landing platform. Wings coming up.

He shivered in anticipation.

Parisa was definitely out of the house, just as she had said she would be. And Medichi was on duty at the Borderlands.

He and Grace would have the house to themselves.


Because Militia Warriors patrolled the villa grounds constantly, Leto had shuttered all the windows. And for what he had in mind, he definitely required some privacy.

Needing to make sure that he had enough room for wing-mount, he’d cleared the hall nearest the bedroom he shared with Grace. All that remained was the heavy rectangular oak table he planned to make use of, now cleared of decorative debris. Ever since he’d felt Grace mount her wings, and he’d cracked those tiles in the bathroom at the palace, he’d been thinking of this moment.

He felt Grace fold into the entryway.

He felt how much she ached.

“You need me,” she said, hurrying toward him.

She was in his arms, and he planted his mouth on hers as though he intended to remain there forever. She groaned against him. He felt her clothes disappear, and his hands touched her wet wing-locks.

He groaned and lost his clothes. He was hard as a rock.

She pushed away from him suddenly, held out her arm, and brought the comforter from their bed into her hands. She threw it on the table and leaned over on her stomach, spreading her legs wide.

Oh, God.

He held out his hands, reaching for her, wanting to touch, yet knowing he was too damn close. He felt dizzy with desire. He could hardly move. He also felt all of her need, and the strange thought flitted through his mind: How the hell do the bonded warriors stay away from their brehs?

He moved forward stiffly, both knees and cock, until he could reach her. By now her entire body trembled, so he trembled.

I can feel you, she sent. My, God. The breh-hedden is amazing.

He planted his large hands on her hips, and she tilted for him so that her ass rose in the air. Sweet mother of the Creator, he nearly lost it.

“Take me now,” she whispered. “My wings are ready to explode from my back.”

“I can feel that,” he said, but his voice was hoarse and deep. He didn’t even sound like himself.

He positioned himself against all that beautiful wetness and began to push. She cried out, her fingers grabbing the comforter and shaping into fists.

“Leto, I want to come as I release my wings.”

“I know. Me, too. I’m too damn close.”

“Me, too.”

But he worked at holding back as he pushed inside her. He loved being in this place with her, connected, on the edge of orgasm, of giving her pleasure as her body pleasured his.

With great effort, he was able to calm his body down just enough so that he could establish a rhythm. She panted now, holding on to the sides of the table.

His wing-locks were a mess, the moisture trailing down his sides in rivulets. He felt what it was like for her to have his c**k stroking all the sensitive internal nerves just as his c**k grew harder with each thrust.

He grunted now, holding back, holding back.

“Leto,” she cried. “Now.”

He moved faster and began to feel both her wings come and his, her body clench around his cock, and his balls release firing up and out. It was all so much, her sensation and his. Her wings fanned out below him while his floated in the air around them both. The ecstasy—oh, God, the ecstasy—like a wave shining around him as he continued to plunge and drive.

It didn’t end, and he could feel a second release coming. “More,” he whispered, kissing her back between her wings.

Yes, she sent, filling his mind.

He plunged into her again, his hands low on her h*ps as he pulled her toward him. Her wings flapped, and the air moved over him, adding yet another layer of sensation.

This time, however, he focused on what she was feeling as he drove his c**k into her. “You like pulling on my cock.”

“Yes. And I love what it feels like. So beautiful. We’re connected, Leto. You and me.”

“Yes.” He could feel her br**sts rubbing against the stiff cloth of the comforter, another sensation. She had full br**sts and every push of his scraped the sensitive ni**les and gave her pleasure.

He drove harder now, arching over her. He was tall enough that he could plant his arms above her shoulders so that he made a wave of his back, his hips, his bu**ocks. With each thrust she gave a cry.

He felt her shift, and her arm appeared next to her head, beside her wing. She turned and presented her wrist to him.

The angle was awkward, but like hell he was going to turn that down. He supported himself with one arm and took her wrist, carefully as he positioned his fangs then bit her. Again, she cried out.

As he began to drink, her blood powered him further so that now he was slamming into her, a hard missile. Her cries turned to heavy grunts and grew louder until her wings moved with every quick thrust. When he could feel her coming again, his body reacted as though she’d taken her fingers and pulled on him at just the right pressure.

He released her wrist, arched his back, and shouted at the ceiling. He came and came and came.

By the time his body settled down, Grace was completely lax on the table. Her wings even drooped toward the floor. She giggled. “Oh, that was perfect” came in a rush of air out of her mouth.

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