As if his words were magic, the landing platform officer called out, “Incoming. Friendlies.”

More squadrons folded in from all over the Metro Phoenix Two area. By long habit of drilling and preparation, the Thunder God Warriors marched off to the left toward a large departure hangar.

Thorne took her hand. “I want you to see this.”

Grace went with him to the double doors. Within were dozens of tight squads of four, repeated over and over. Wherever a squad awaited one of theirs, the warriors stood grouped at the back. Once a squad had all four members, they moved into position to the fore awaiting orders on several sets of departure platforms.

Thorne leaned close. “We have a reconnaissance team, couched in Endelle’s mist, over the colony right now. We’ll have a report within seconds.”

As if on cue, the large screens came to life and the horror of the attack on the colony caused Grace to list. A moment later, Leto arrived and slid his arm around her waist to support her. “Alison is with Mei-Amadi now. God, I felt you start to fall. What is it?” But his gaze found the screens soon enough, and he murmured, “Creator help us.”

Hundreds of death vampires roamed what had been the fair-like atmosphere of the warrior games. The bodies of several colonists could be seen lying prone on the sawdust, but fewer than Grace had expected. A number of death vamps were using them, going after dying blood. The enemy appeared to be celebrating, gathering around the feeding spots, shouting, raising their fists in the air.

“I thought there would be more casualties,” Grace said.

Leto squeezed her waist. “The colonists are well trained. Remember the drums?”

“Yes. I didn’t know what they were.”

“That was the secondary alarm. Once the electronic alarm failed, the HQ warriors would have started pounding the drums. The death vamps would have had no idea what that was.”


“So you’re saying a lot of the colonists would have gotten away?”

“Yes, as many as heard the drums would have folded to the Portland Colony. We should have a report soon.”

“Thank the Creator for that. Leto, were the drums your idea?”

He nodded. “It seemed like a logical precaution. And something the enemy wouldn’t have expected. I made sure that every colony drilled with drums.”

A voice came over the loudspeaker. “None of the death vampires is watching the skies.” The image on the screen pivoted to what Grace knew to be a position in the west because she’d been there herself earlier in the evening. The voice added, “The landing platforms are clear and unguarded.”

Thorne leaned in her direction. “Gideon has several reconnaissance warriors in flight and cloaked in mist. They’re over the colony now. You’re hearing one of them reporting.”

Grace could make out the flapping of the warrior’s wings, the one who apparently wore the camera strapped to his head. She could also see the fine lace-like appearance of mist surrounding the warrior. None of the death vampires had the power to see the mist or to perceive the Militia Warrior’s flight over the battle site.

She felt heat radiating from Thorne and glanced up at him. He was glowing, his obsidian flame power lighting him up. He looked god-like and in control. He touched his com. “Gideon, start sending the squads.”

Gideon’s voice broke over the heads of the warriors at the lead spots. “On my mark to the Seattle One Colony platforms. I want an eight-squad fold pattern. You know the drill. Get me some blue skin.”

The air in the hanger heated up, now charged with anticipation and intent. The first thirty-two Thunder God Warriors sped to the folding line and simply vanished. The next eight squads were on their heels with only a five-second interval between.

On the screen, the reconnaissance warrior held his camera aimed at the platforms.

“Thorne,” Leto called out. “This is some righteous shit.”

“Yes, it is,” he said.

Grace glanced up at her brother. “You created this, didn’t you?”

Thorne shook his head. “No, this is Seriffe’s work in partnership with Leto. I’d take credit if I could.” As the Militia Warriors continued to fold to Mortal Earth, Thorne turned to Leto. “So how did you save Diallo and his wife? What happened?”

Leto spoke in a clipped manner, as though giving a report to a commanding officer, which Grace supposed was exactly what he was doing. He spoke of death vampires coming to his cabin, which was their first knowledge that the colony was under attack.

Thorne put a hand on Grace’s shoulder and very quietly sent, When Mei-Amadi arrived, we could see that she had been badly used. I’m so sorry.

He was remembering.

It was a long time ago, Thorne.

I know, but I have a feeling it still feels like yesterday for you.

Grace realized she’d never given her brother enough credit. Yes. Sometimes, like tonight, it does.

Leto turned toward Grace. “I have to get out there. My place is at the colony, but I think you should stay here, stay with your brother. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“Do you think it’s wise,” she asked, “if you and I are separated right now?”

He took her hand. “I’m not sure, but I have to be part of securing the colony.” He glanced at Thorne. “I think we’ll need Endelle to work on restoring the mist. Diallo won’t be fit for duty for a few more hours yet, though I made sure Horace was with him.”

“Good,” Thorne said. Horace was the strongest healer on Second Earth. He glanced at Grace then back to Leto. “I’ll take Grace to the palace with me. Endelle will want to know everything, and I’ll get her started on the mist. Just report in as soon as the colony is secured.”

* * *

Casimir stood at the observation window over the portal to Third. It felt so strange being with Grace and Leto just now. He knew they had completed the breh-hedden. He could feel their bond as though it had strings he could touch.

Though she had parted from him, still he loved her. How strange to know she was with another vampire and that his duty was to keep that vampire alive.

After having been with Patience earlier, he wondered if he would scent Grace again, but he had smelled nothing from her.

He glanced around the deck. He sniffed; the wildflower scent that belonged to Patience was still very much present in the space.

He focused on his voyeur window, holding Leto’s image in his mind. He saw the warrior running through the Seattle Colony. Casimir used his window as a tracking device, and since he knew there were death vampires at the colony, he simply folded with a thought to Leto’s position but kept himself invisible.

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