I raise a hand up to stroke his cheek. “No regrets. I promise I want this.”

No, I need this, but I keep that to myself. He’d never understand all the reasons I need it so badly.

“I’m going to make you feel so good, Olivia. I promise you that,” he says, and then scoots back a bit so he can lower his head to my breast. Garrett places an open mouth over the silk of my bra and sucks against my nipple through the fabric. My back arches off the bed, hungry for more. He doesn’t disappoint, reaching up to drag both of the cups down over the swells of my breasts. He tucks the material under, then covers me with the palms of his hands. He kneads and squeezes gently, all while he devours his own actions with hot and greedy eyes.

Lowering his head back down again, he starts to kiss my swollen flesh, licking at my nipples and rubbing the scruff on his face against my skin. It’s a riot of feelings, causing a riot of emotions to course through me. I feel achy and hot, stretched tight like a rubber band.

“Need to taste you more,” Garrett murmurs against my skin, then he gently bites at one of my nipples, causing me to gasp over the sensation.

Inching down my body, Garrett licks and kisses his way across my stomach. He never hesitates when he reaches my panties, merely hooking his fingers in them and dragging them down my legs. As he pulls the silk off me, his lips nip and bite at my skin…on my thigh, the side of my knee…an ankle. It feels like he has a hundred points of touch against my body at once and it makes me dizzy with lust.

I’m stunned when he pulls my panties free of my ankles, then rubs them thoughtfully across his lips for a moment while he stares down at me…almost as if he’s contemplating the best way to ravage my body.

“Think I’ll keep these,” Garrett says with a sly grin and tosses the panties down on top of his pile of clothing on the floor.

I start to protest, because those are one of my favorite pairs, but Garrett places his hands on the insides of my thighs, and the words dry in my mouth. He eases my legs farther open, his eyes dragging down my body. “I think it’s time to see if you taste as good as I think you do,” he murmurs, his palms now sliding up my legs.

I’m not sure I can handle this. I feel coiled so tight that I’m afraid the minute he touches me, I might explode up off the bed. My body trembles as he lowers himself down, using his fingers to spread me wide before him.


He glances up at me once as his face lowers toward me and he gives me a soft smile. I return a tremulous one and then my eyes flutter closed, my fingers gripping the comforter for leverage.

It’s coming…I can feel his warm breath against me, then…yes…oh, my God, yes.

His mouth closes over me, so hot…so damned good.

A groan that sounds like the roar of a rocky avalanche tumbling down a mountain tears free and my hips press upward, seeking more.

And he gives it to me. With an answering groan against my aching flesh, Garrett uses his tongue in ways I never even knew existed. He circles around me gently, sometimes plunging it deep within…other times fluttering it against me like a hummingbird’s wings.

So fucking amazing.

I risk a peek down my body, past my breasts that are pushed up high from the material of my bra still wedged underneath, and see his dark head bobbing slightly between my legs, his tanned hands spread wide to hold me open.

It’s almost more than I can bear, and when he latches on to me and starts to suck, it’s my undoing.

“Oh, God,” I moan out loud as my body surrenders to climax. For a brief moment I pretend that the force of my orgasm as it rumbles through my body chases away every bit of the illness circulating from within, and as I float back down to earth, I imagine for a peaceful moment that I am clean and whole.

Garrett starts kissing his way up my body again, and when I open my eyes, I see pride on his face for making me feel so good. No…that wasn’t just good. It was amazing, and even though my limbs are weak with satisfaction, I want to wear that same look that he has right now. I want to make him feel just as good.

Raising my hands, I bring them to his chest as he hovers over me. “Get on your back,” I tell him.

His eyebrows raise in surprise, and a slow smile curves upward. He gives me a subtle nod and then rolls off to lie beside me. I sit up from the bed, feeling a little dizzy, but I know it’s just leftover orgasm side effects, and flip a leg over him to straddle just above his waist.

Placing my hands on the mattress beside his head, I lean over and bring my lips to his. He opens for me and I give him a deep kiss. Pulling back, I rub my nose along his and murmur, “That was amazing. Thank you.”

Garrett’s hands come up to smooth along my butt and down my thighs. “Trust me…that was absolutely my pleasure. I loved making you come like that. And yeah…you taste as good as you look.”

My cheeks heat up, but that’s nothing compared to the lavalike feeling within my veins. I give him another quick kiss and scramble backward, grabbing the condom that’s been lying at the end of the bed. I fumble with it briefly, mainly because Garrett uses my distraction to put one hand between my legs, where he strokes me softly. I have to actually bat him away or I’ll never get the damn thing open, and he laughs at me darkly.

Finally…I pull the condom out. Finally…I get a good, up close look at his shaft. It’s huge…but then again, he’s a big man. It’s beautiful…long, thick, and dark with the life force that has swollen it to such proportions.

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