It appeared that way to Gabriel too, but he couldn’t be certain.

“Do something for me,” the witch commanded. “Take her into your arms again.”

“What will that serve?” Other than getting him all hot and horny again?

“I need to see how she reacts.”

Gabriel did as she asked and gathered Maya in his arms again. Her thrashing stopped, but her body writhed against him. He felt embarrassed when he realized that Maya was rubbing herself against him, her hands immediately going to his groin. He couldn’t suppress his own arousal at her action. Hoping the witch hadn’t seen Maya’s subconscious gestures and trying to protect her modesty, he pulled her hands up to his chest.

“That’s interesting.” So much for his and Maya’s dignity—the witch had seen exactly what the unconscious Maya was trying to do to him. “Are the two of you lovers?”

Gabriel shot her an annoyed look. “No. From the things I told you earlier, I figured you knew that I don’t have a lover.”

“So she’s the reason why you want me to help you with your problem,” she hedged.

He didn’t like her probing into his personal life. “It’s immaterial why I want your help. I’m paying you, aren’t I?”

“Wow, touchy. Just proves my point.” She shrugged and put her attention back to Maya. “Lay her back down.”

Again, Maya tossed and turned. Her skin was flushed. More sweat built on her forehead, her neck and chest. Her nipples were clearly visible through the damp fabric, and he felt the need to protect her modesty. As he pulled on the sheet to cover her, the witch stopped him.


“I know you want to protect her, but she’s hot enough. Trust me, vampire, you’re the only one in this room who’s getting off by looking at her body.”

Gabriel snarled at her, but had no reply to her—unfortunately—accurate assessment. He looked away. “Can you figure out what’s wrong with her?”

“I have a suspicion, but I’d like to confer with Drake when he gets here.”


By the time Drake arrived a half hour later, Maya’s condition had worsened. Her body temperature was sizzling, her breathing labored, and she was clearly in pain. But the entire time she hadn’t opened her eyes even once. She was delirious.

“What happened?” Drake asked as he entered the bedroom.

Gabriel shook his head. “I don’t know. She told me she was coming down with something and went to bed without feeding from me. A few hours later she collapsed.”

“Has she fed since?”

“Yes, but her condition isn’t improving. It’s getting worse by the minute.”

Drake bent over the bed and looked at Maya, touched her forehead, and looked into her pupils. Only now he seemed to notice the witch, who’d stood near the fireplace and was now approaching the bed.

“Ah, Francine, what a surprise to see you here.”


“Any ideas?” he asked and gestured to Maya.

“As a matter of fact, yes.”

“Care to share?”

She nodded. “Excuse us a minute, vampire,” she said to Gabriel and gestured to Drake to follow her into the bathroom.

Gabriel looked at Thomas, who’d entered the bedroom behind Drake. “Odd pair,” Thomas commented.

“They can be as odd as they like to be as long as they can help Maya.” Gabriel stroked his hand over Maya’s hot face. Instantly her head turned toward his hand and her mouth sought out his fingers, quickly sucking his thumb into her mouth. Gabriel gulped down a quick breath. Even unconscious, she was killing him. He could barely suppress his desire for her as it was, but when she sucked his thumb like that, all he could think of was her sucking his cock in the same manner.

He listened for the mumbled voices from the bathroom, but couldn’t make out what they were saying. They seemed to talk quietly in order not to be overheard.

Gabriel pulled his thumb out of Maya’s mouth and stroked her lips with it. Her tongue darted out and licked him. He leaned down to her, bringing his mouth closed to her ear. “Baby, you’re driving me insane. I don’t have any restraints left. If you don’t stop, I don’t know what I’ll do.”

She sighed and pulled his thumb back into her mouth. His cock strained against the zipper of his jeans, the metal teeth cutting into his flesh. He clenched his other hand into a fist, fighting the urge to take her. With a groan, he pulled his thumb from her mouth and stepped away from the bed.

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