As a Whitesnake song came on next, she said, “I love oldies stations like this.”

“Oldies are songs from the fifties, not the eighties,” Marcus argued.

Oops, she thought, realizing too late that she’d just inadvertently pointed out the difference in their ages. “You’re right,” she said cheerfully before turning off the radio.

A few moments later he was pulling into the parking lot of a really tiny little store.

“I’ll be right back.”

He returned with a large insulated bag slung over his shoulder. She wanted to ask what was inside, but he looked so much like a little boy with a happy secret that she decided to let him keep it. She’d seen him serious. Intense. Sensual, of course. And caring. But this playfulness was another wonderful layer.

It wasn’t long until he pulled off onto a really rough, really narrow dirt track that required all of his concentration to get them to the bottom in one piece.

She’d guessed that they were heading out toward the coast, but that didn’t lessen her surprise when he helped her out of the car, slung the heavy bag over his shoulder, and said, “Close your eyes.”

Three days ago she’d been afraid of ever trusting anyone again. But trusting Marcus was as natural as breathing. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and was surprised to feel him lifting her off the ground.

Her eyes flew open and she found him smiling down at her.

“You don’t need to carry me,” she made herself say, even though the truth was that she was glad to be back in his arms, to feel his heart beating steadily against her.


“I can’t have you tripping on any branches,” he said against her ear. “Close your eyes again.”

She shivered at his gentle command, even as a devil on her shoulder asked, “What if I don’t want to?”

The look he gave her was so hungry, so full of sensual intent, that her lips actually tingled though he hadn’t kissed them. “Do you really want to find out?”

Her brain screamed Yes, even as fear of the erotic repercussions had her closing her eyes just as he’d asked her to.

He chuckled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and snuggled in closer to him. All of her senses came to life as he carried her surely and steadily down the narrow path between the tall pines. She could hear the birds calling to each other from the treetops. She could feel the light breeze brushing over her skin, cooling her where Marcus touched her and made her hot.

“The air smells so good.”

He kissed her forehead in response and with her eyes still closed, she tilted her face up to his, moved her hands to the back of his head and pulled his face down to hers to kiss him.

Giving her one last kiss, he said, “If you aren’t careful, you’ll never see anything but trees."

His low voice, rough with desire, had her more than a little tempted to do just that. But then he was moving again and she let herself be taken to the place he’d chosen just for her. For both of them.

The air around them changed from pine needles to salt spray as he stopped walking and slowly put her down, her back to his front.

“Go ahead. Open your eyes.”

She had spent plenty of time on Malibu beaches these past years that she’d been working down in Los Angeles...but she wasn’t prepared for the incredible sight that awaited her.

The blue-green water was so vibrant her brain could hardly believe it was real, that it hadn’t been painted just for them. And the way the surf crashed on the tall, craggy rocks that rose up on either side of the fine, white sand of the beach reminded her of the parts of New Zealand she’d managed to see during her past shows there.

“Marcus,” she said with wonder, “this is beautiful.”

His arms tightened around her and he nuzzled her. “I’m glad you think so.”

She’d been given expensive bouquets, fancy dinners, even jewels, but only Marcus would think to give her the simple joy of a day at the beach.

She had to turn into his arms, had to tell him how she felt with more than words. She kissed him softly, slowly, then said, “Thank you for the best day I’ve ever had."

The sun was right above them and it was barely noon, but she already knew nothing could touch the joy she felt from being all alone with Marcus in one of the most beautiful settings in the world.

He looked down at her, his eyes dark with the need she knew had to be reflected in her own. “Are you hungry yet?”

She was, but not for food. Just for him. For the chance to savor every one of these precious hours with the man who was stealing her heart one beat at a time.

She shook her head and kicked off her ballet flats. “Ah,” she sighed with pleasure at the warm sand squishing between her toes. “It feels so good."

Marcus had sat down on a nearby rock to take off his shoes and socks and roll up his pants, and she was surprised when he pulled her down onto his lap and kissed her. Just as abruptly, he put her back down on shaky legs and grasped her hand in his to begin walking down the long stretch of completely empty beach.

“You like doing that, don’t you?”

“Yes, I like kissing you.”

“No,” she said, “lifting me off my feet. Carrying me around. Pulling me down to kiss you whenever you get the urge.” She turned to him with a mock glare. “I think it goes hand in hand with the telling me what do stuff.”

He didn’t let go of her hand as he lifted his to run the back of one knuckle down her cheek. “You like it, too.”

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