A smart woman wouldn’t have stopped. A smart woman would have just kept walking through the door and caught a cab outside to take her back to her big, lonely penthouse suite.

So then, Nicola thought helplessly, what was it about Marcus that always had her doing the foolish thing, instead?

Shouldn’t she know better than to turn back to him and say, “What were you wrong about?”

Despite the fact that he hadn’t moved any closer to her, the way he looked at her, with none of the reserve from this morning, had her feeling like he’d just pulled her into his arms.

“About tonight.”

All of the desires, the hopes, she’d been trying to shove down and away immediately popped up to the surface.

Trying one last time to save herself, she said, “What about all of your reasons from this morning? What about how young I am? What about the colossal mistake you’re so glad you didn’t make?”

“I’m sorry for what I said this morning,” he said first, and then, “I want one night with you, if you still want one with me.”

His words were a caress over her skin. He hadn’t answered her question, and she knew their age difference must still be an issue for him. But just as she wasn’t able to walk away from him, it seemed that he couldn’t walk away from her, either.

“You know I still want you.”

The words had barely left her lips when he captured her hand and dragged her body tightly up against his. “Thank God. Because I’ve been dying to kiss you again all day."


The next thing she knew, his mouth was pressing hard into hers, his tongue suddenly there in her mouth, tasting her. No one had ever kissed her like this, like he wanted to possess her, body and soul. She forgot to be nervous, forgot that until Marcus, it had been six months since she’d kissed anyone, and even before that she’d hardly had much experience with kissing.

She didn’t need to worry about any of that with him, she realized now. He was entirely and completely in charge. All she needed to do was follow his lead.

If the way his kiss was making her feel was any indication of what his lovemaking would do to her, she was being led straight toward ecstasy.

Chapter Eight

Hand in hand, they headed down the stairs to the large parking garage beneath the dance studio. Apart from the moment when she got into his car, he didn’t let go of her hand.

Utterly lost in the feel of his thumb rubbing sensuous circles on the inside of her palm, it wasn’t until they were almost at the hotel that Nicola remembered to say, “There’s a special entrance around the side that I usually use.” She reached into her bag for her key cards with her free hand and handed the extra one to Marcus. “Why don’t you drop me here and I’ll meet you at my room. I’m in the penthouse suite.”

His hand stiffened in hers and she realized, too late, that she’d probably just insulted him.

“It isn’t because I don’t want to be seen with you,” she explained softly, hating what she had to say to make him understand. “If people see us walk in together tonight, if someone takes a picture of you and me together, they might think we’re a—”

She paused before she used the word couple. Not because she couldn’t stand the thought of it. But because she suddenly longed to be a part of a couple with Marcus so badly that the force of that wanting stunned her. Even more than the strength of her desire for him already had.

Her voice was barely above a whisper as she finished with, “They might think you and I are going to be together for more than one night.”

Already, she knew one night wouldn’t be enough.

What was wrong with her?

She and Marcus had been totally clear with each other from the outset. Tonight was about sex, nothing but physical pleasure.

And yet, the reminders made no difference.

Because she’d already learned enough about him via his mother and sister—and the time she’d spent in his arms the night before—to know that her heart was a heck of a lot more involved than was going to be good for her.

“You had no problem walking out of that club with me last night.”

Wanting him to understand, she said, “You know how you were upset about something last night? Well, so was I and I acted without thinking. I shouldn’t have gone to the club like that. And I definitely shouldn’t have left with you.” It was finally time to come clean. “There were pictures taken of the two of us.”

She refused to look away from him, even though his reaction to that was exactly as she’d expected. He wasn’t at all happy about it.

Before he could ask questions, she said, “My publicist called and told me. I knew people had to be snapping pictures on their phones, but fortunately the lighting was really bad inside the club and they’re too blurry for anyone to want to run.” She pulled out her phone and showed him the pictures she’d been emailed earlier that day as proof. “Here they are.”

Marcus was dangerously silent, silent enough that she forced herself to say, “I understand if you don’t want to do this anymore, if this is all too complicated for you.”

His eyes moved from the pictures on the phone back to her face. He still didn’t look happy about the situation, but the hunger, the desire for her was still there. He wound his finger through a lock of her hair and pulled her toward him with it.

“It isn’t any more complicated than this.”

His mouth was so hot and sweet and perfect that with each slow slide of his tongue against hers, she almost forgot more and more of her hard-won caution. Even though this was the special VIP entrance, someone could walk by and look through the windshield to see them making out in the car.

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