Gage kissed the top of my head. “I’ve been wondering since the first time I saw it if that night had anything to do with it. And, Cassidy?”


“You won’t ever have to worry about forgetting me. I’m not going anywhere.”

I thought about his moving out without a word. “Promise?”

“I promise.” His arm tightened around my waist and my eyes drifted shut.

GAGE WOKE ME up early the next morning with soft kisses to my neck and I rolled over to face him, trying to ignore the deep ache that radiated between my legs and low in my stomach. An involuntary groan left my lips and he looked up at me, worried.

“Are you feeling okay?”

“Honestly, I feel amazing.” And I really did. Waking up in his arms knowing everything was finally okay made me feel better than amazing. “A little sore, but it’s a good sore.”

“I’m sorry for hurting you,” he said against my neck, and I felt his erection against my stomach.

Funny that when that happened with Tyler, even if we were fully clothed, I hated it. Now, lying here naked with Gage, I couldn’t think of a better way to wake up. “I’m not; I wouldn’t mind if you did it again either.”

His lips froze and he lifted his head so his dark green eyes were searching mine, “Cassidy, I don’t—”


From his expression, I knew he thought he’d be hurting me again, but I cut him off and faked hurt. “Oh . . . I understand, I’ll just go get ready . . .” I trailed off and laughed when he rolled me back underneath him and pressed his mouth onto mine.

“You are seriously mistaken if you think I don’t want you.” He ground his hips against mine and separated my legs with his knee. “Sorry, darlin’, but you’re gonna be late for work today.”

I groaned in both pleasure and slight pain when he pushed into me. “I’m sure I’ll get over it.”

Chapter Twelve


I HONESTLY THOUGHT nothing could bring me down from the mood I was in. Cassidy and I spent every spare moment together, and while our times together in bed . . . and the shower . . . and the couch . . . and the kitchen table . . . hell, all our times together were amazing, I loved just spending time with her too. It was better than before; now that neither of us was trying to hide our feelings for the other, we were able to talk freely about everything. Every night I fell asleep with her in my arms and woke the same. It had almost been a week since the wedding, and like I said, I thought nothing could bring me down. But then I saw Tyler at school.

“Son of a bitch . . . this isn’t gonna end well.”

“Sorry, what?” I glanced over at Ethan, then followed his stare over to see Tyler stalking toward us. “Crap, he knows.”

“Were you gonna tell me?” he demanded when he reached us.

I blew out a deep breath to relax myself; I really didn’t want to do this on campus of all places. “Tell you what, exactly?”

“Don’t play dumb with me, Gage. You’re sleeping with Cassi.”

I kept my mouth shut, letting my silence answer for me.

“I can’t believe this!”

“Ty, come on, man. Let’s talk about this somewhere else.”

He let out a frustrated laugh and ran a hand roughly through his hair. “My own cousin is f**king my girlfriend!”

My eyes narrowed and I spoke through clenched teeth. “First off, she ain’t your anything. Second, we know what you were doing. We know you played both of us.”

Tyler’s eyes widened momentarily.

“Yeah, we told each other everything. Every damn thing you told us. And I gotta say, cousin,” I sneered, “that’s a really f**kin’ shitty thing to do. You’re gonna pull the family card with me? You knew how I felt about her and you were so threatened by that because she felt the same that you had to tell me she was your girlfriend? That she was blowing you when you knew, you knew we’d just spent the night together? You had to tell her that I couldn’t stand her and later that I thought of her like a sister? Ty, man, you were like a brother to me. And you repeatedly screwed both me and Cassidy over.”

“I told you she was mine and you wouldn’t back off!”

“Once again, you hurt Cassidy. Do you know how much I hate you for everything you’ve put her through over the years?” I stepped closer so our chests were touching and lowered my voice so it was practically a growl. “You let her get beat. You almost let her die by their hands. You broke her heart over and over again because she found someone she wanted to be with. And when you weren’t getting any, you broke her heart another way by breaking whatever f**ked-up bond the two of y’all had by bringing home another girl . . . forcing her to leave . . . and almost letting her die again.” I backed up a step when his body started vibrating. I wasn’t finished with him yet, but I wasn’t about to get in a fistfight with him out in public. “I never understood why she needed you in her life, and it pissed me off more than I could ever care to explain. But I don’t have to worry about it now; she finally sees you, Ty. So, I guess I can thank you for that at least. I’ll never have to watch her run to you again. Thank God.”

“She’s mine. She’ll always be mine. You weren’t there for everything in her life. You didn’t take care of her . . . keep her alive. I did!” He hissed, “I’m what’s best for her. I’m what’s safe and familiar and comfortable to her. Cassi will always come back to me. I look forward to the day she runs from you to me. And trust me, that day will come. When it does, I’m not letting her go again.” Before I could speak, he continued. “So enjoy her while you have her, because in the end, it’s me and her.”

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