I was starting to fall for Dylan—sweet, soft, gentle, Dylan. I could see my life flashing before me; a life with this cowboy and his southern drawl, calling me sugar, and kissing my neck while taking our child and handling daddy-duty.

What. The. Fuck?

I cleared my throat, my emotions running rampant and causing my body to react.

We pulled into the parking lot of Jimmy’s bar, and not a moment’s too soon, as with my heated fantasies, I’d considered leaning over and having my way with him while he was trapped behind the wheel. Once parked, Dylan cut the engine. He hopped out of the driver’s seat and made his way to my side of the truck.

Opening my door, he held his hand out to me. "Your drink awaits, my lady." A dazzling smile played on his lips as I placed my fingers against his wrist.

"Thank you, kind sir." I played along, hopping down from the passenger side gasping slightly as he pulled me close to his body and sliding me against him until my feet touched the gravel below. My heart stuttered as I looked up at him, slightly damaged from his earlier fight, but still no less handsome than the first time I’d met him. Dylan lowered his head to mine and ever so slowly brought his hand up to the back of my head. My breath caught as his lips touched mine, so soft and warm. The butterflies came back in my belly with a vengeance, flapping their tiny wings around as I lost myself in our kiss. I’d never experienced a kiss so sensual and gentle, so sweet and tender before.

He stepped back, breaking our embrace just enough to speak. “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. It just occurred to me that I don’t want to waste anymore time not kissing you every chance I get.” He swept a curl of hair from my face and dropped his voice. “You’re the sweetest tasting treat I’ve ever had. Prepare yourself, sugar. I’m gonna take advantage of every opening I can.”

He wrapped my hand around his elbow and walked us to the entrance. Opening the heavy amber-colored door, he ushered me in with his hand on the small of my back, never once breaking contact with my body as we made our way into the darkened pub.

The jukebox was playing a slow, sultry tune as we walked to the far end of the bar. Dylan leaned down and whispered against my ear. "I know you wanted a drink, but how about we work up a thirst first with a dance?"

A shiver traveled down my spine, his breath a delicious combination of warm and cool. "I'd like that," was all I could say, my breath stolen with the sensation of pure want pulsing through my body.

Dylan engulfed my hand in his and wrapped his arm around my waist, turning us toward the makeshift dancefloor. We swayed to the low baseline, and soft rifts that thrummed from the jukebox. The woman’s voice singing about black velvet and little boys smiles. I couldn’t concentrate much on lyrics, my own thoughts burning bright in the forefront to my mind.


Dylan broke into my daydream, his breath warm on my cheek. I looked up into his hazel eyes, my hand resting on his shirt over a strong, defined chest. "You know, I've been waiting what feels like a lifetime to get you this close to my heart. Can you feel it beating out of my chest?" His eyes burned with a fire I didn't recognize, the vein in his neck pulsing at a frenzied pace.

I took his hand in my free one and held it over my own racing heart. "You feel that? Your heart matches mine. I've never felt like this. I feel…cherished." I looked deep into his eyes, which were hooded, his expression matching my exact mood. The music all but forgotten as we danced to our own rhythm.

I couldn’t remember the last time Jude made me feel anything like this. With him, it was different. Jude knew all the nitty-gritty of my life, my demons. We never had the romance, the sweep-me-off-my-feet-with-sweet-gestures-and-sayings. With Jude, it was raw, unadulterated passion. The smolder Dylan was giving me was nothing but tenderness and love. "You have no idea how even just the look on your face has made me feel. I feel so special and wanted." My breath caught. "Thank you." That was all I could muster before his lips gently caressed mine.

His husky voice rubbed along my skin in the most delicious way, "Oh, sugar," he pulled back slightly, his nose brushing mine, "that was the best compliment any woman has ever paid me."

"Well, it's true. I don't know what it is about you, Dylan." My voice came out as a whisper against his warm, smooth jaw. "You make ordinary feel exceptional."

He leaned down and kissed me again, this time deeper, as if I were the last woman he was ever going to kiss again. My mouth opened and my heart melted as his fingers stroked my cheek and made their way into my hair. A growl sounded in his chest, my body firmly pressed against his as we swayed to the beat of a song that no longer played. At some point the jukebox had stopped but I was too wrapped up in this man to notice.

"Sugar, you keep kissing me like that, we may never get to that drink." His gasps for air matched mine, neither one of us getting enough oxygen, and honestly, I couldn't care less. I would gladly breathe Dylan all night long. Forever if I could.

I swallowed hard, my throat dry and panties wet. "Maybe a drink wouldn't be a bad idea?" It came out as a question; one I wasn't sure I even wanted to ask. I wasn't in any hurry to leave the safety of Dylan's arms. And I knew that if we stopped dancing, the spell of lust we just swirled in might be broken.

He didn't give me a chance to overthink everything, pulling away enough that I missed his warmth and wanted nothing more than to drag him back to my body and coerce him somewhere more private.

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