He’d been keeping her at arm’s length from the very beginning, and this is what he got for it. A woman who dodged anything that might cause him to push her away.

Even more surprising was that Josh was intrigued. He liked Logan. And even without knowing what the job offer entailed, he knew he was interested. His instincts were humming, and a man learned to trust that.

“I’d like to talk next week,” Josh said quietly. “If you’re still amenable.”

Logan studied his face. “I am.”

“Hey, boys, come over here,” Brooke called. “I need fresh meat to admire my ring.”

“Delicate angel you’ve got there,” Josh said to Seth as they picked up their drinks and headed into the living room, where the women sat gathered around the fire.

“Don’t I know it,” Seth said in his quiet rumble.

But a quick glance at the man showed a softness about his features as he stared at Brooke—a look in his eyes that went beyond lust. Beyond friendship, even.

Damn. Damn.

The truth hit Josh hard. He wanted that. He wanted that stability, that faith that the other person would be there.

He wanted it with Heather. Badly.


But wanting it would never make it so. Not for him.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

HEATHER WAS EXHAUSTED. BONE tired in that way that came from too little sleep, too much champagne, and a very late night complete with very big news.

But despite having spent the entire quiet cab ride back to their building fantasizing about removing her tight dress and stilettos and crawling into bed, Heather was a little surprised to find a surge of energy returning as she and Josh tiredly trudged up the stairs.

Not just any energy.

A certain . . . lustful energy.

They paused outside their respective doors. Usually there was a playful your place or mine dialogue, but either they were too tired or their emotions too raw, because neither one said a word tonight.

In fact, Josh suddenly looked exhausted, and Heather had a moment of fear that he might be tired of her.

She stepped toward him, seeing his eyes cloud in surprise before she rested both hands on his cheeks and pulled his face down to hers, pausing when their lips were just inches apart.

“I want you,” she whispered.

His smile was slow and deliberate. “Yeah?”

She slowly leaned forward, pulling his bottom lip between her teeth and biting. “Yeah.”

Josh groaned, turning her around so that her back was against her door, his mouth finding her neck as he caught a bit of skin between his lips and sucked hard before soothing the spot with his tongue.

There were things to be said. Things to be addressed. But Heather clung to the same mantra she’d been chanting all day. Tomorrow. She’d deal with it tomorrow.

“Come inside?” she said, pulling back and trailing her lips down his neck.

Josh didn’t respond, and Heather pulled back to look at him.

“You okay?”

He forced a smile, but it was obvious he wasn’t okay. He looked pale, his eyes a little glassy.

“Are you okay?” she asked, setting her palm against his cheek.

His eyes closed, and she got the sense he wanted to lean on her. Just a little. Instead he turned his head, pressing his lips to her palm. “I’m about to do something that no man should ever have to do. Ever.”

She snorted. “Turn down sex?”

He put a hand on the door behind her, pushing himself upright as he nodded. “I’m thinking it’s better to quit now than find out halfway through that I can’t perform to my usual sex-god status.”

“You’re not feeling well?”

He lifted his shoulders. “Just a sore throat. A little tired.”

He didn’t meet her eyes as he said it, and Heather internally snickered. What was it with dudes? Either they became huge babies at the first sign of a cold or they were ashamed of it and had to puff up their chest and dismiss it entirely.

Heather opened her clutch and pulled out her keys, turning toward the door and unlocking it before she grabbed his hand and tugged him into her apartment.

“Hey, 4C, I should really get some—”

“Sleep, I know,” she interrupted. “You’re going to do it here.”

“At your place?”

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