She put her phone down, tapping her fingernails on the desk as she considered. Then before she could overthink it further, she picked up her phone and hit send.

Any other guy she’d been sleeping with for a week, no way. He’d likely freak out that his new bed conquest was getting all personal and sharey.

But this was Josh. He hadn’t started treating her differently once he’d started seeing her naked, and she wouldn’t treat him differently, either.

They were still friends, after all. And he was still Danica’s ex—gross. All the rules for why she could share with him still applied.

She was pretty sure.

Josh texted back almost immediately. Hell yes. Did you tell her you were shagging her ex? Was there a cat fight? Did you take pics?

Heather rolled her eyes as she replied. Yes. ­Because this is obviously about you.

Speaking of me and everything that I am, want to make banana bread later? I bought more bananas after you let the other ones get rotten. They’re perfect for baking.

I can’t handle you and your banana bread fetish right now. I have to work.

Go get ’em. Don’t forget to send me the cat fight pictures. You both were naked right?

Heather was still smiling as she put her phone back in her purse and turned back to her work.


“Someone’s in a good mood.”

Heather spun around, smiling in surprise when she saw Logan Harris standing in her doorway.

“Logan! Come in! What are you doing here? I thought you and Alexis only had your super-secret meetings early in the mornings.”

He smiled his slow, sexy smile and came in, settling himself in her guest chair. “You realize that sounds like a double entendre, right?”

“I think you wish it had a double meaning,” she quipped.

He blinked in surprise behind his horn-rimmed glasses, and Heather felt color flood her cheeks as she realized what she’d said. She and Logan were friends, but not that good of friends.

“Well,” he said, sitting back, the simple word sounding crisp and precise in his lovely accent.

“Sorry,” she said. “I don’t know why I said that, I’m all frazzled today—”

Logan held up a hand. “Heather. Please. It’s okay.”

“I’m sorry,” she said again, miserably.

“Don’t apologize for being observant.”

Her mouth dropped open. “Wait, so you do . . . you want . . .”

“Alexis? Yes, of course. I should think it’s been quite obvious these many years. Your comment assures me that it is.”

“Well, to me, I guess. And Brooke.”

“And Alexis?” he asked. “Does she know?”

Heather blew out a breath, wishing she had better news for the guy. “I don’t know. Maybe? We’ve teased her about it before. You two are just so . . . right. But she’s always insisted that you’re just friends.”

His smile was fleeting. “Just friends. Yes. We are most certainly that.”

“Why don’t you ask her out?” Heather said, leaning forward and resting her arms on her legs, hands clasped between her knees.

“You know Alexis as well as anyone. How do you suppose that would go?” Logan asked.

Heather sat back, picturing exactly how it would go and feeling bad for the guy sitting opposite her.

“Exactly,” he said. “The woman doesn’t do anything she doesn’t want to do. Doesn’t embark on any venture that’s not her idea.”

“Ah,” Heather said, as his strategy clicked into place. “You’re waiting. For her to come to her senses.”

“I am,” he confirmed. “And I’d request that you do the same.”

“In other words, you’ve been waiting too long for me to go mucking things up?” Heather asked.

He winked, quick and sexy. “Let’s just say I’m playing the long game.”

“You are a patient man, Logan Harris.”

“A curse, to be sure.” He shifted in his seat and immediately his face was back to implacable, business-­minded Logan. “But actually, Alexis isn’t the reason I stopped by.”

“Hit me,” she said.

Logan adjusted his glasses, and Heather nearly smiled because the shift from a besotted man to an accountant with a mission was visible.

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