Heather laughed around a sip of her latte. “Yeah. That should go over great.”

Alexis stood. “You’ve got this. Let me know how it goes.”

Heather nodded distractedly, turning attention back to her iPad.

Her boss hovered at the doorway. “Heather.”

“Yeah?” She looked up.

“Sex looks good on you.”

Heather’s mouth fell open. “Um—”

Alexis held up a hand. “No need to explain. You just look happy. Even with the Danica stress. You’ll have to thank Josh for me.”

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure the last thing he needs is me thanking him for sexing me on someone else’s behalf. You’ve met him, right? His ego barely fits into our apartment building as it is.”

“Well, judging from your downright dewy complexion, I’d say maybe that ego is earned?”

You have no idea.


She and Josh had spent most of the past week and a half, well . . . doing it. Mostly just the evenings, but the nights had gone on and on and on, and for the first time since she met the guy, she didn’t mind quite so much that he was keeping her up at night.

“I thought so,” Alexis said smugly. “Good for you.”

It was on the tip of Heather’s tongue to suggest that maybe Alexis find a little sexing for herself. Maybe with a certain sexy British accountant. But Alexis was already gone, leaving Heather to count the minutes until her showdown with Danica.

Heather was fully expecting her client to be late, but to her surprise, Danica showed up five minutes early, and even more pleasantly, without her mother.

“Hi, thanks for coming,” Heather said with a polite smile as she gestured for Danica to enter the consultation room. “Can I get you anything? Coffee? Water?”

Danica smiled. “Last time you offered me champagne.”

“Which you didn’t like,” Heather pointed out, before she could think better of it.

The other woman gave a startled laugh.

“But yes, of course, if you’d like some champagne,” Heather quickly added.

“No, I’m fine,” Danica said.

They both sat down, in the same spots they’d sat last time Danica had come. As with before, Heather felt the other woman studying her, but this time, Heather studied Danica right back.

The woman was gorgeous as ever. Her hair was in a long, flowing blowout today, one that Heather bet serious money came from a salon. Her nails were a deep, trendy black without a hint of a chip anywhere. Her outfit, completely on point.

But Heather was feeling pretty darn good about her own appearance today. Her hair was doing the sexy wave thing instead of the frizzy ringlet routine, thanks to a bout of dry, crisp winter weather. She wore a simple white camisole with a black blazer that made her feel sort of badass. She’d even rediscovered a pair of gray slacks in the back of her closet that she was pretty sure made her butt look just a tad perkier than it actually was.

Josh, at least, had been a fan as he’d handed her a to-go mug on her way out the door and swatted her butt with a lingering caress.

And speaking of Josh, it was strange to think of him dating the creature before her. Danica seemed so cold and calculating, and Josh was anything but.

“So. You asked to see me?” Danica said with a passive smile.

“Right. Yes, I’ve got some things I’d like to run by you,” Heather said, setting her fingers on the iPad. “But first there’s something I’d like to discuss.”

Danica’s perfect eyebrows lifted. “Yes?”

Here goes nothing.

“I respect your hands-off approach to this wedding, but I’m becoming increasingly concerned that without a bit more guidance from you, this wedding might not be at all what you’re expecting.”

Danica blinked, obviously surprised that she was being called out, but she didn’t look immediately pissed, so that was something.

“I told you up front that I was giving you free rein. I’d think that would be a wedding planner’s dream.”

“Yes,” Heather said slowly. “And no. To be honest, this isn’t just any wedding. As I’m sure you can imagine, every wedding magazine on the planet is anxious to feature you. Even non-wedding magazines have been calling, hoping for an exclusive.”

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