“Because I needed to know if you belong to someone else before I do this.”

His mouth dropped to hers.

And just like that, Heather was kissing Josh Tanner with everything she had.

Chapter Nineteen


She’d kind of hoped she’d been imagining that the last couple times, but nope. The man was really, truly good at this.

She’d known from the very second he’d opened the door with no shirt the first time they’d met that she would enjoy it. The real surprise came from the fact that this kiss wasn’t just skilled, wasn’t just hot like the others had been, although it was both of those—the surprise was that it was perfect.

As though their mouths had been meant for each other.

He started off slow, his lips lightly brushing over hers. No tongue, just his lips against hers as they explored each other, trying to see how they fit—if they fit.

And they definitely did.

His tongue caressed the center of her bottom lip. Open.


She obeyed, and then his tongue was sliding against hers. Heather whimpered and lifted her hands to his face, her palm cupping his jaw as the other hand slid around to the back of his neck, keeping his head bent to hers lest he come to his senses and pull away.

Josh’s hands found her waist, his fingers curving around to her lower back as he pressed forward until they were chest-to-chest and she was pinned between him and the kitchen counter.

He tasted like nutmeg and coffee and Josh, and it was the last one that was the most potent of all.

His hands slid up her sides, his thumbs idly moving over her rib cage, stopping just beneath her breasts, which were now full and heavy and wanting.

Heather made a whimpering noise of need and he groaned in response, his arms winding all the way around her now, drawing her to him as he tilted his head and took the kiss deeper, hotter.

It was the sort of kiss that was better than sex. Unless, of course, one was talking about sex with Josh, in which case she was pretty sure this was just the appetizer.

When they pulled back to breathe, he rested his forehead against hers with a soft laugh. “Well, what are we going to do about this, 4C?”

In response, she lifted her eyes to his and slowly brought her hands to the front of his shirt, her fingers toying with the second button before flicking it open.

His eyes flickered. “Heather—”

She leaned forward and pressed her mouth to the V of his throat, teeth scraping against his warm skin before she soothed it with her tongue.

His breath hitched even as he lifted his hands to her head as though to pull her away, and in a last-ditch effort to persuade him otherwise, she tilted her hips forward, rubbing rather shamelessly against the unmistakable bulge of his erection. But she didn’t care. Now that she’d had a taste of him, she knew she wanted—no, needed—to see this through, even if it was only for tonight.

His body went still as his fingers tangled in her hair. “You seducing me, 4C?”

“Is it working?”

His breath was hot against her cheek. “I want you. Obviously. But—”

“No but,” she said quickly, lifting her head and brushing her mouth against his. “We don’t have to make a thing of it. It can just be sex.”

His eyes flickered in doubt, and she lifted her eyebrows in challenge. “Unless, of course, you’re in danger of falling madly in love with me. It’s okay if you are, it happens.”

She smiled in response as she met his eyes. “Oh, that’s not what you’re worried about, is it? It’s my poor little heart you think is at risk.”

Josh winced. “It sounds so condescending when you say it like that.”

Her eyebrows lifted. “It does, doesn’t it?”

He opened his mouth, and she rested her fingers lightly against his lips. “Josh. Hear me out. I like you. You like me. We’re friends. We’re neighbors. But with all due respect, I’m way too smart to fall in love with you.”

He smiled. “Should I be insulted?”

“How about you just be naked instead? I’m getting impatient.”

“Will you hate yourself tomorrow morning? Or me?”

“No. Not once I’ve had my coffee,” she retorted.

Josh’s laugh was swift and genuine. “Well, you were right about one thing, 4C. I do like you.”

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