"Your bluffing. No one can prove it was me that released that story." Ben said, starting to sound scared.

"Really? You mean beside the fact that you just confessed into the microphone. If you continue to threaten me, spread malicious gossip, or even contact me, nothing will stop me from ruining you. And just so you know, Michael and I are very happy. He has made me see what I was missing with you. True love. Have a nice life." Lisa hung up the phone.

"You were magnificent. I doubt if we will have a problem with him anymore. You are a genius. Now my genius future wife, how about we get ready to meet with my future in-laws?" Michael gave her a last kiss and went to his rooms to get dressed.

Greta looked at her for a moment, seeming to study her. "Do I have something in my teeth." Lisa asked, feeling like she was under a microscope.

"No, I just, well, its just, okay here goes. " Greta said, tumbling over her words. "I just wanted to tell you, I like you a lot, and I love Michael like a brother. I have to tell you upfront, he has been hurt in the past, I can't stand the thought of him getting hurt again, so please, if you are not sure of how you feel, tell him now. Don't wait until it's to late." Greta seemed relieved to get it out, but embarrassed to have said it.

Lisa smiled. She was so glad Michael had someone to look out for him. "Greta, I will be completely honest with you. I have never felt this way about anyone else. I am so deeply in love with Michael, I can't seem to think of much else. I know it seems sudden, but my parents were the same way. They had dated for two months when my father asked her to marry him. He says he only waited that long because she was still in school."

"I know you love him, but you just broke up with that other guy. I don't want him to be a rebound." Greta told her.

"When Ben pulled that stunt at our party, I was more embarrassed than heart broken. A part of me was even relieved. I was having doubts, but I was going ahead with it because it made sense business wise. With our marriage we were joining together two very good businesses. I had heard other people talk about the passion they felt, but I had begun to think maybe there was something wrong with me. All the guys I had dated had never made me feel anything. I had decided that if I wasn't going to find the passion than I might as well make a good business move. I think my mother knew though. She came to me the night before the party and asked me if I was sure this was what I wanted. I asked her how she knew Dad was the right one. She told me that she felt it in her heart, and she followed her heart. I didn't understand at the time, but now I do. I know in my heart, he is the only man I will ever love. I am not going to hurt him, I couldn't. Do you understand?" Lisa hoped she had made sense with her explanation.

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