"Oh, Michael, I am going to cum, it feels so good." Lisa said, barely able to talk.

"Good, Lisa, let go, soar with me." Michael told her as his body began to shake. He thrust his finger in harder, and at the same time pushed his hips hard into her hand. Lisa felt herself explode from the inside out, as she felt the wetness on her hand and arm. They had finished at the same time. Michael was breathing hard and had his head back with his eyes closed.

"Are you okay?" Lisa asked weakly.

"Oh, sweetheart, I am better than okay. I didn't mean to do that. I can't seem to control myself around you. This should prove you are not going to fail when it comes to the passion. No woman could react like that if she wasn't a very passionate person. Come on and we will get cleaned up." Michael was beginning to catch his breath.

They went to the bathroom downstairs were they washed each other. The feel of the washcloth was erotic when it was being held by Michael. Lisa was still surprised by how easily he could turn her on. It seemed as if he could just give her a look and she was ready to jump into bed, or the couch, or a shower. Lisa giggled.

"Care to share the joke? Michael asked as he washed his hands.

"I was just thinking about how easy it is to get turned on by my rock hunk." Lisa laughed.

"Okay, you are never going to let me forget that are you? I am glad I do that to you. It makes us even. From the moment you walked up my porch, I have been taking a lot of cold showers." Michael told her. "How about we go sit in the living room and we can plan a date night." They walk back into the front room.

"What would you like to do?" Lisa asked as they sat down.

"I was thinking about making reservations at Georgio's. I can usually get a good table with little notice. Then how about a movie? I am sure there is a nice romantic movie we can catch." Michael told her.


"I don't know if you are interested, but there is a showing of some old movies over at the Majestic. I have been meaning to get over there, but I always have been busy." Lisa said.

"That would be good. Hollywood used to make some of the best romantic movies ever. Has does all that sound for a romantic first date?" Michael asked.

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