"You, bitch, I stayed with you for two years, I want some money, or I am going to the papers and sell my story of how you really are. Do you think your little boyfriend will stay with you when his record company tells him to dump you or they will dump him? I want $20,000 by the end of the week, or I go to press with my story. We'll see who looks good then, you slut." Ben was down to threats now, Lisa thought.

"Ben, you can take your little threats and shove them. You know you have nothing. Have a nice life. If you try to call me again, I will file harassment charges." Lisa told him. She turned off the phone. She was a bit shaken from the threats, but she knew he had nothing on her.

"Are you okay, love? Look, don't let that idiot get to you. He can't say anything that will make me turn away from you, I am here for the long haul. He is just trying to start crap because we insulted him. Come on, let me take you on a tour of my house." Michael pulled her up.

"Sounds good to me. Where should we start?" Lisa asked, putting her arms around his neck.

"I think that is our cue to leave" Greta said, pulling Jason with her. "Any problems, just give us a call." She told them.

"No problem. I'll see you guys in the morning." Michael said, waving them away.

"So, where do you want to go first. We have the kitchen, the hot tub, my bed room..." Michael asked her.

"You just seem to have a one track mind. It may sound boring to someone like you, but how about the bedroom? Do you have a big bed?" Lisa asked, suddenly feeling shy.

"It is a king size. If you are having second thoughts, just say so. I can wait. I don't want to rush you. We can just lay in there and I will hold you close, maybe we can touch a little. I want your first time to be memorable. All the romantic little things that a couple does, a candlelight dinner, maybe a movie, Then we can come back here, where I will have rose petals spread across the bed. Does that sound good to you?" Michael said, turning her in his arms.

"Do you still want me? Are you just trying to put me off because you realized you think I am going to want some sort of solid commitment from you? I'm a grown woman, if I decide I want to sleep with you, then that is my decision, I will not ask you for a proposal as soon as you roll off me." Lisa told him.


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