"Okay, dear, I will be ready. I can make reservations for us for lunch, then you can tell me all about your vacation. I love you." Her mother gave her a hug.

"Night, dad. See you in the morning." Lisa reached down and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Have fun, but not too much" He told her.

They made their way over to Michael's house, which was just five blocks from Lisa. "Amazing, you live this close, and we have never run into each other." Lisa commented.

"I have only been in this house for about three months. I have a studio in the basement, so I don't have to leave to often." Michael told her.

"Very nice. Do you live here, too, Greta?" Lisa asked.

"We have the pool house out back. With all the touring and other travel we do, it doesn't make sense to buy a place that we would hardly ever see. Michael offered us the pool house, so we jumped at it. Plus, we are here in case we are needed, and we can save for a larger house when we do settle down." Greta told her.

"I think it great to be such good friends that you would look out for each other the way you guys do for each other. That is something I have never had before. I can't remember ever having someone I could call that would be there for me. I miss that now that I see the three of you together." Lisa said.

"We are some of the lucky ones. I have had some of my former foster families contact me since I became famous, but all they wanted was a handout. They tried to use the fact that we may have lived together for a few months to try to get either money or a cake job with a large salary. For awhile after I made it big, I got jaded about people, thinking everyone just wanted to use me for their own gain." Michael told her.

"Yeah, but you did answer one request, didn't you?" Jason laughed.


"Yeah, but that was different. One of the guys we were with at our last home had gotten out before us, he was married and had a kid. He was one of the success stories, he is a teacher. He wrote to me, and his letter started out like all the others, but he didn't want money or a job, he wanted to know if he could get an autograph for his daughter. She is thirteen and has a crush on me, His words, not mine, and couldn't believe that her boring dad could know anyone as cool as me. I decided that maybe an autograph wasn't enough, so I met him at his school, the we drove over to her school to pick her up. Her and her friends now think her dad is the coolest guy on the planet. I had so much fun doing that. You should have seen her face. I thought she was going to faint." Michael laughed.

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