Lisa had driven for an hour down the winding mountain roads, she was not encountering very much traffic, and had a straight road, so she decided to try gunning the car. It was a sports car after all so why not drive it like one. She picked up speed quickly as the engine seemed to purr its approval. All the sudden, the engine gave a little jerking cough, and the car slowed to a stop and died. Lisa knew nothing about cars, all she knew was how to pump gas, and the dates to take the car in for maintenance checks she couldn't believe this, she was in the middle of nowhere, no houses for the last twenty minutes, no cars driving through, and all the sudden, this had to happen.

She grabbed her cell phone out of her purse. "No signal, of course," she said, tossing it into the other seat, "so much for more coverage than any other company." Lisa out of the car and began the walk back the way she came. Maybe she could find a driveway that she had missed on the drive through. The weather was starting to feel colder, and the sky was darkening. Lisa hoped she would not have to deal with a rainstorm as well. It was late fall, and the weather in the mountains could become nasty quick. If there was a storm, she hoped it would be just a rain and not snow and ice.

This was not how she wanted to go, freezing to death on a deserted mountain road because her car broke down. She could just imagine how much fun the press would have with that. They would say she had let herself die because she couldn't live with a broken heart. That was the odd part though, she suddenly realized as she walked.

She was upset that Ben had cheated on her. She was angry that he had made such a public spectacle of himself. She was embarrassed by the publicity, but she really couldn't say she had gotten her heart broken. Lisa was beginning to realize she had never been in love with Ben, she just had done what everyone had told her was the right thing to do. Maybe she should call Ben when she got home and tell him thanks for stopping the engagement before it turned into a messy divorce, with both of them realizing they didn't love each other. If she survived this, it was getting colder and she could feel in the change in the atmosphere signaling that it was going to start raining or snowing soon.

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