"Okay, what is with the whipped cream?" Lisa asked.

"I don't know, I guess if I have a beautiful woman stay with me, I want to have supplies ready." Michael wagged his eyebrows at her.

"Oh, please, does that really work on women? I mean is that one of your pick-up lines? Hey there good-looking, want to come back to my place? I've got whipped cream?" Lisa asked him.

"No, I think I am a little more polished than that. I usually walk up to the woman, lean down real close, maybe trail my fingers down her neck, say something like, you have gorgeous eyes, want some whipped cream." Michael had been showing Lisa all this as he said the words, and followed it by squirting her with the whipped cream.

"You, jerk!" Lisa yelled as she got hit in the face by the whipped cream. "Give me that." They started wrestling over the can of cream. By the end, they were both covered in the white mess. They sat on the floor laughing every time they looked at each other. "I think we made a mess." Lisa said.

"Well, you started it. Insulting my suave pickup lines. I think you should do the cleaning." Michael told her, sticking his tongue out at her.

"Oh no, I am a guest. You have to do the cleaning. You sprayed me first." Lisa stuck her tongue out back at him.

"Look you two, I don't care who started it. I am going to tear both of you up if you don't get this mess cleaned up pronto. Do I make myself clear?" Greta's voice sounded from the doorway.

"Yes, ma'am" They both said in unison.

"Good, if you are going to act like children, I am going to treat you like children." Greta was trying hard not to laugh.


"I write your paycheck, you know." Michael told her.

"No, I print them and stamp your name on them. If I have to play chaperone for you when you have a sleepover, I am going to give myself a raise." Greta finally broke into giggles. "By the way, Michael, you have a little whipped cream on your face and your shirt, and your pants. You look like the can exploded on you really."

"Okay, that's it" Michael jumped up and chased Greta around the kitchen threatening to hug her.

"Look, if you get me messy, I am going to beat you with the broom. Richard will be in soon to cook breakfast, so you better have the place cleaned up by then, or you know the trouble you will have. I have to try to reschedule your interview with Rolling Stone without letting them know where you are. So, chop chop, let's get this day started." Greta walked out of the kitchen, leaving Lisa and Michael sitting in the middle of a huge mess.

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