"Of course I am," he said spooning food out on the plates, Lisa blew out a breath, "my vocals aren't that magnificent." He calmly handed the plate to Lisa.

"You big meanie. I know I don't snore. You are just being mean." Lisa took her plate and tore into it. It was actually very good. He had given her a simple meal of baked chicken with rice and green beans. "I thought a jet setter star such as you would eat a little more fancy." Lisa said, still a little upset with him over the snoring remarks.

"Actually, you should know not to trust everything you hear. I actually like to come out here and just relax. I really am not into the parties and all the crap that I am supposed to be doing all the time. I enjoy being out here so I have my privacy, unfortunately, some people have to have car problems and come knocking on my door and interrupt my me time." Michael said smiling at Lisa.

"I do apologize for being so inconsiderate as to break down near your retreat. I will be sure if it happens again, I will just sit in my car and freeze to death, then I won't make the mistake of putting you out. Is that more acceptable?" Lisa asked.

"Now there you go, see would it have been so hard to show a little consideration like that? But no, come to think of it, that wouldn't have worked either. Your car would have been found too close to my house. The police would have to investigate and I would have to give a statement, thereby my name would be linked to this property and I wouldn't be able to hide out here anymore. I guess it was a good thing you got here okay. I would hate to have screaming fans and the press finding out where I live." Michael said, seeming to think it over.

"Well, I would hate to inconvenience you with my death. Who cooked this meal? It tastes great." Lisa had slowed down and was tasting the food now that she wasn't thoroughly embarrassed.

"I told you I cooked it, didn't I? I am not just a pretty face you know. I cook, I clean, I can even iron clothes." Michael was in a playful mood.

"Wow, you are going to make a wonderful homemaker if this little singing thing doesn't work out. I think Mom told me the other day that our neighbor needed a new maid. I can put a word in for you." Lisa decided she could tease as well.

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