"Pardon?" Hayley looked confused.

"The park bench would have worked nicely for supporting my books."

She had a more serious tone. "I thought I held them rather nicely. There are only two and they're not heavy."

"Perhaps I should apologize for interrupting you."

"I was storing the image of the beautiful trees and the campus in my mind."

The man's face broke out into a large smile.

"Perhaps I should introduce myself." The man took a few steps back, removed the hat from his head and pressed it to his chest. Bowing slightly, he spoke. "My name is Curtis Singleton."

"My name is Hayley Lawrence." She bobbed. "I am on my way to look for the library."

"Is this your first visit to Queens?"

"It is my first visit to Kingston."


"I hope it will not be the last."

Hayley blushed. "Would you be so kind as to point me in the direction of the library?"

"I can do much better. I will take you there myself."

"I do not wish to keep you from anything."

"I have plenty of time to spare." They walked together.

"So why are you in Kingston?"

"My father is on business for a few weeks."

"Where are you from?"

"Amherst Island."

"Your father must be very prosperous."

"Yes, I suppose. Is there a reason that it should matter?"

"No… only making conversation."

"I have never considered whether he is prosperous."

"That is very interesting?"

"Why do you say that?"

"Surely you know the difference between being wealthy and being poor." Curtis noticed a blank look in Hayley's eyes. You seem very sheltered, Miss Lawrence."

"Why do you think so?"

"Anyone who does not know the difference between the privileged and underprivileged is indeed ignorant of the realities of life. Most people understand the difference between the upper and lower classes."

"Classes? I have taken my studies at home.."

"That would explain your naïveté. You don't understand the difference between a class in which we study and the class in which we live."

"Perhaps you can educate me concerning classes, one day. Are you a full-time student?"

"I am attending school part-time and working part-time as well. I am studying to be a lawyer."

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