“How’s it going, sugar?” The redhead whose ass I just smacked is back. She presses her chest against me as I stand there, edging her fingers down to my belt loops. “Looks like you’ve had a long…hard…day?”

Real subtle.

I grimace a bit as she flashes a seductive smile, parting her lips suggestively. Serves me right for touching her a few minutes ago. Except now, she’s riled up. I’ve got my mind elsewhere. Too bad this little firecracker can’t compete with what’s waiting for me at Molly’s. In the not too distant past, I wasn’t above sampling a wide array of flavors. Lately, I only have a craving for one feisty brunette. And today, I like the idea of doubling down with a woman whose kink level kicks mine up a notch. Molly’s damn near perfect when it comes to sex. Which makes the sack demon whose hands are slithering all over my junk a little less appealing.

I give her a wink, wishing I could remember her name. I did some work for one of her relatives a while back, so her last name is on the tip of my tongue but won’t come to me. “I’m good for now, honey.”

“Did you get a chance to help my grams the other day?”

I nod. “It’s all done. Everything went smooth. Her place is set up with a top of the line safe for any expensive or rare items for her auction business. And I installed eight encrypted servers on her bidding website.”

“That’s great! Thanks for giving her a hand.”

“Anytime. She’s a feisty one, your grandma. She told me to listen out for a call on Saturday after her neighbor’s monthly book club meeting. They’re reading something naughty. She wanted me to know she’d keep her evening open for me, considering she’d be… inspired.”

Her jaw drops. “Oh.”

“Yep. That’s your grandma. It must run in the family.”

She takes a full step backward, untangling her hands from my belt loop. “Well, maybe you and I can have a good time… one of these days.”


I wink at her. “You bet. Or try your luck with the prospect.”

“Why would I want to do that?”

“It’s b-y-o-t at my place,” I add, knowing full well that she’s the vanilla sex type and that I’m sure to throw her for a loop.

“Sorry, what’s b-y-o-t?”

“Bring your own toys…as in sex toys.”

She barely nods, practically running back to her spot behind the bar. I cock my head and sigh, my eyes half-closed. That’s one less upper crust sorority chick turned sack demon wannabe to turn down. Some of these chicks are too fucking tame when they show up at our clubhouse looking for a thrill. They need to know upfront that I’m not just wild, I’m wicked. I’m not just dirty, I’m filthy.

Besides, I have my hands full with Molly. She can keep up with me. She’s been warming my bed off and on for over six months now. The night I met her, we hit it off in one of the stalls in the women’s bathroom. She rocks my world in ways I hadn’t thought possible, for someone so petite. Since then, Molly has informally made her way into the MC. We’ve been casually knocking boots whenever the fancy strikes us.

I frown for half a second, vaguely connecting the dots between Sabrina’s call and my plaything. Molly has to be in some trouble if she’s asking for our security service in the first place. I wonder why she didn’t mention it the last time I saw her. She could’ve told me herself. Not that I’m the white knight type. Far from it, but I would’ve helped her out anyway.

Shrugging, I put it out of my mind and head outside toward the parking area. I’ll find out what it’s all about in due time. I get on my baby again and turn my key in the ignition thinking that it’s probably for the best that she’s officially a client.

The idea that now I have the opportunity to spend as much time as I want with her, fucking her brains out while making money guarding her sweet ass as a paid client?

Life doesn’t get much better than this.

Chapter 3


I lean against the door and jab my finger against the doorbell of the sprawling Littlefield, Arizona ranch where Molly lives with her mother. I don’t see her mom’s Dodge Ram in the driveway, so just to fuck with Molly’s head, I keep my finger pressed into the buzzer. The door chimes go off like crazy, and I smile. Oh, this is gonna be really good.

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