Silas glances at Molly. “We’ll take care of it. No need to worry.” He turns to Dean. “Get the story on Williams from someone on the Louisiana Chapter’s executive.”

Dean finishes his drink in one gulp and leaves in the direction of our main floor meeting room.

“In the meantime, Molly’s going to be staying here,” I add and offer the rest of them another round.

“Anytime. You’re really into this job you landed thanks to me, aren’t you?” Silas asks.

I smile a little, just enough for him alone to see. “It’s a tough one, but someone’s gotta do it.”

“I fucking bet.”

Axe slides his empty glass to me, motioning for a refill. “It’s been a while since we had a formal meeting,” he mentions and leans forward to look over at Silas. “How’s business overall, Pres?”

“Good. Better than good. It’s been word of mouth all the way. Specifically, Jordan Bain’s mouth. The guy’s an evangelist for our MC.”

“He’s a badass,” I agree distractedly. Molly has her eye on the main entrance. A quick check of the clock tells me I’ve got more than enough time to get her to work. Unless there’s another reason she’s eyeing the door.

“He is,” Silas answers. “But I hope you know I don’t believe you give a fuck about how much Jordan’s doing for the business. Not with the way you’re watching your new assignment like a hawk.” I glare at Silas, my fingers tightening around my glass, and our Pres flashes me a wide grin. “Seriously. Not subtle.”

“Yeah, well I have my reasons.”


“And I have more business than just a stalker problem to deal with.” Silas puts his fingers in between his lips and whistles loud enough to fuck up everyone’s eardrums. The few members and sack demons around look over at him. Molly takes a seat at one of the nearby tables. “Big announcement, everybody.” Silas runs a hand through his hair as he waits. It takes less than a minute later for the room to fill up. Members come in from every direction. It’s standing room only as people settle into every available seat, bar stool, and bench to listen.

“All right, listen up. I had a talk with the Los Diablos MC president today. Vasquez is ready to have a sit down about a truce with us. Cole and I think it’s time, so that’s gonna happen in the next couple of days. We weren’t all expecting this to happen, but it’s time. What I’m saying it we’ll roll with it and hear them out.”

Axe, our Sergeant at Arms, shakes his head but starts clapping. He isn’t convinced.

Cole, our Vice President, seems more open to it as he nods. He takes a drag of his lit cigarette. “It’s worth a meeting. Even if it’s too good to be true.”

His wife, Jenny, comes through the crowd and stands beside him. She doesn’t have a vote, but she seems supportive. She also doesn’t seem to mind it when he uses his free hand to smack her ass as Silas waits to hear from more of the members.

Axe gets off the bar stool and takes a seat at the empty table close to us, kicking his feet up. “I’ll believe it when I see it. Both Los Diablos and the Mongols have fucked us and back-tracked on truces and deals before. I don’t trust Antonio Vasquez and I sure don’t trust Dean Roman. Those Presidents have a way of changing their minds. And let’s not forget how they sold us out when Giovanni was in the picture… Just like that dude who killed Julius Caesar.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Silas asks, probably regretful now that he opened the floor for input.

“You know, back in the Roman Empire.”

I speak up. “No, you dumb fuck. That was Brutus.”

“Whatever. I hate the name Roman, that’s all.”

“Fuck you too, asshole. You know my last name is Roman too.”

“Shit. Oh yeah. Wait, are you related to the Mongols’ president or what?” He’s done this shit before. Every fucking time Dean Roman’s name comes up, we get to this stupid crap.

“I’ll fucking cut you, dickhead.”

“Admit it. He’s probably your dirty old uncle, motherfucker,” Axe mumbles just to get a rise out of me.

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