She looks around the kitchen and takes in the kinky chaos. It can’t be easy for her watching the state of her counters. It’s not actually dirty, but I imagine that if she pictures what might’ve gone on in here before she showed up, she must be thinking there’s not a spot we’ve left untouched. Still, the older woman just looks around with a straight face. Eventually, she swallows hard, her arms weighted down by bags of groceries that I’m sure she prefers to keep in the bag, given all the toys and gadgets strewed around. But what can I say? To me, there’s no shame in what Molly and I have been doing. I just wish it wasn’t in the woman’s kitchen. I press my lips together and wait for her to finish up her inspection.

“Having a little fun, I see,” she says in Molly’s direction. “I hope you two are playing it safe… within the friendship, I mean.”

Molly doesn’t reply. Neither do I, as it’s not my place. What I should be doing is leaving, but that’s not an option. I’m on the job. I rub a hand over my mouth. Mrs. Davenport finally sets down her bags next to the bundle of extra silk ropes that are a few feet away from the riding crop.

Not too subtle.

Christ, if I had any idea that we weren’t going to be alone, I’d never have gotten this comfortable here in the kitchen, of all places. All the other times we fucked at her house before now, no one was ever around, and we stuck to Molly’s bedroom.

“I’m sorry for the intrusion,” I tell the woman, refraining from showing my hands mainly because I don’t know what’s on them. “Molly, I’ll just wait in the living room. After I use the bathroom. Or I can leave.”

But as soon as I say the last sentence, Molly shakes her head. I’m reminded that the only way I’m leaving is with her at my side after she’s packed a bag.

Something about getting interrupted by a chick’s middle-aged mother has understandably knocked me way off my game, but it’ll pass. Eventually.

Chapter 5


It probably would’ve been a good idea to have Tate carry me to my room earlier.


Too late for that.

I try to stem the arousal that’s still pulsing through my whole body. Taking a deep breath doesn’t help. My core is reliving the sensation of Tate’s cock drilling into me, buried so deep that it felt like he was a part of me.

And we’re now stuck in this awkwardness with my mother.

Mom will see right through anything I say, so I let go of the embarrassment. I almost want to laugh. Tate is scrambling for the right words. He can’t think quickly enough to come up with even a lame excuse for what my mother is witnessing around her kitchen. But her coming home early and finding us like this, well it’s minor. I’m more concerned about her reaction when I let her know that for her safety and mine, I won’t be staying at home for the next little while. She doesn’t know how far my ex took things last night, and I don’t want to worry her.

“I have to skip out on dinner, Mom. Tate is driving me to work in a bit.”

“All right, honey.”

I want to choose my words carefully, but with my mother, I’m better off just telling her straight. “And I’ll be staying with him for a bit while we figure out things with—”

“With your crazy stalker ex-boyfriend?” she asks, finishing my sentence.

“Right. And what’s even better about it is my staying with Tate will save me some travel time while I get organized and study for my nursing exams,” I add, hoping to direct the subject to a more favourable outcome. My mother’s been a nurse for as long as I can remember. She understands how these things go and what I have ahead of me to complete the national nursing exam and also satisfy state licensing requirements to practice nursing in both Nevada and Arizona.

“You don’t have to sweeten the pot to get me to agree, love. It’s fine. Whatever Tate’s firm recommends is all right with me. If he believes that staying somewhere else will help keep that guy away from you, I’m on board.”

“Thanks for understanding,” I say, somewhat surprised but mostly relieved that she’s come to the same conclusion, or at least, accepts my decision to lay low with Tate for a while.

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