“We broke up two years ago, a while before Mom and I moved back here from Louisiana. He’s a charter member of the Satan’s Saints chapter out there. I thought he was a decent enough guy while we dated. Things just didn’t work out. Anyway, my mom and I moved out here when her sister took ill, and he got it into his ignorant, stubborn head that I was leaving to get away from him. Over the past six months, he’s been telling me I need to go back to him so—”

“Six months?” I ground out. “Six fucking months this has been going on and you’re only telling me now?”

“Relax. He wasn’t being a dick then. But he is now and that’s why I called your people for help. The prick isn’t taking no very well, and actually he’s been a persistent jackass…kind of like that time you wanted to have a threesome with Cindy, and I caved after you kept hounding me about it—”

“Ah, good times.” I smile for a second and readjust my crotch area. Silas’s mom and Molly in one bed, well, that was hot while it lasted. “Continue.”

“Yeah, anyway he started sending me some crazy texts, leaving notes in my mailbox, dropping off flowers when we weren’t at home, shit like that. He won’t leave me the hell alone. He has some screwed up delusion that we’re meant to be together. The sicko calls me wifey in every note, message, and flower card. It’s beyond disturbing, Tate.” Molly swallows and grips the edges of the chair. “The worst part is he showed up at my job two days last week and got everyone there riled up. He had the nerve to show up with guns at his belt and a machete on his back. That scared the crap out of my boss. Anyway, someone needs to get him to stop.”

“How long has the serious stuff been going on?”

“He amped it up about a month and a half ago, give or take. We’ve been done for over two years ago, but he’d text me every now and then. When he upped the ante, I stopped replying to his messages, hoping he’d leave me alone or at least take the hint. After silence didn’t work, I gave him the straight goods. Told him it was over since Louisiana and that he needed to stop harassing me. That’s when it got worse. Now he’s threatening me, scaring the hell out of my mom when these gifts and packages show up… I think he needs some incentive to give up this game, like a good, old-fashioned whoop ass only an MC knows how to deliver.” She sighs and tucks a stray piece of hair behind her ear. She’s really scared.

Still, I start with the elephant in the room. “Your ex. You realize you haven’t said his name once, right?”

“I was getting to that part.”

“Like the part about why you held off on letting me in on all this sooner? Tell me about that. Why exactly?”

“I didn’t think he’d keep it up this long. Last night he started following me in his truck.”


“He’s following you now?” I shout, bolting up from my spot on the couch. “I could’ve shut down the asshole weeks ago. He would’ve left you alone by now instead of raising the stakes.”

“Will you just sit?” She doesn’t say another word until I take my seat. “Back then, this wasn’t your problem, okay? I only just hired you, remember?”

I shake my head. “How do you figure a stalker isn’t my problem, Moll? I mean, shit, if someone wants to hurt you, that’s a big fucking problem to me.”

“We’re not a couple, Tate. We’re casual. Sleeping together. Though it’s more like playing with each other. And anyway, it hardly justifies going all primal on another guy for me. You don’t have any obligation to me, and I’m not your girlfriend.”

Molly crosses her arms over her stomach and leans back with her eyes closed. I don’t hesitate to take my fill of her gorgeous, gym bunny body. From the tips of her toes to the cute mussed up tangle of a bun at the top of her head, and everywhere in between, she’s perfect.

I force myself to focus on the issue. “Okay. I get it. We’re fuck buddies. Except now, your minor stalker issue has gotten so out of hand, you have to hire someone to help keep you safe. And now, that’s my job. Do you see how fucked up that is?”

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