Felix would never understand if she tried to explain it to him. There was no way she could without him blowing up. Of course, she’d been right. Grayson had called twice already and texted her a few times. She read them quickly.

I hate that you’re hurting. I just want you to know that, like today, you can always open up to me. I meant it when I told you I’d be here for you no matter what and I’d never say I told you so.

Ella frowned, deleting it then scrolling down to the next one.

I read the story you mentioned. I hate this shit for you. Call me if you need to talk.

Just as quickly as she’d deleted the first one, she deleted the second one as well, feeling an enormous wave of guilt wash over her. She’d have to talk to Felix soon enough about this but not yet. She was tempted to call Grayson back when she saw his last text.

I’ll be up late. DO NOT hesitate to call me no matter the time. I mean it.

Ella sat there staring at the text as her eyes began to well up. She glanced at the clock; it was just past midnight. For a few long pensive moments, she continued to stare at the phone. With a deep breath, she made up her mind. Ella hit speed dial. Grayson hadn’t been kidding. He answered on the first ring.

Chapter 23


The next day was another different day. When they were both done for the day, instead of going back to his place like they usually did, Ella said she felt like going to the show. They’d gone to the show a few times already. Weeknights, like that night, were good for not being spotted by too many fans, and then once the lights were out, no one was the wiser. But Felix was looking forward to being alone with her tonight. He was anxious to make up for last night.

Of course, as usual, he gave into whatever she wanted. Besides, it didn’t mean that they couldn’t go back to his place afterward. They dropped her car off at her house and headed to Universal City Walk.


At least she didn’t choose a chick flick. It was a comedy they’d both been talking about wanting to see. They were out early too, but any hopes of going back to his place to finish the night as he’d hoped were squashed.

“I need to get up early in the morning. I have another session with my dad’s therapist tomorrow.” She pouted when she saw the disappointment in his eyes but then smiled. “My dad’s really making progress, and apparently, I’m an enabler to his hoarding, so the doctor asked to see me again.”

Felix smirked. He could’ve told her that a long time ago. Just weeks after they’d cleaned out her place, she’d mentioned her dad having gone to yard sales several times, but she excused his bringing home more stuff to fix, because it was just a hobby.

“Doesn’t he have enough stuff to fix already?” Felix had asked.

“No, that’s the thing. He fixes everything so fast he runs out of stuff to fix, so he has to get more.”

She’d smiled so proudly and sweetly Felix had just kissed her and let it go. In a way, he too was an enabler. Just like Ella couldn’t say no to her dad about bringing more stuff home, Felix would never insist she should. Luckily, Ella was as smart as she was amazing. She finally came to the conclusion that it wasn’t going to be so easy to stop her dad’s hoarding. He needed therapy. His hoarding was a form of OCD, and he needed treatment to deal with it.

There was no way Felix could hold this against her. She should be there with her dad tomorrow. Grudgingly, he’d agreed to drive her home. Their goodbye kiss had been a long one, so he ignored the fact that she’d pulled away again when his hands started to roam. It was ridiculous to think she was avoiding sex or any intimacy past kissing. They had been in a parked car in her driveway with her dad in the house. Of course, she didn’t want for things to get too heated.

As he drove away finally, sporting the biggest throbbing boner in the history of the world, he attempted to quell the thoughts of a similar situation from his past: sleeping in the same bed with Bianca up in Big Bear unable to touch her. Little did he know at the time it was because she’d already fallen for Gio and they’d been running around behind his back. Even though he never imagined it was with Gio, Felix had begun to suspect something might be up with her. Still he would never forget how blindsided he’d felt when the truth came out.

This was not the same.

He only hoped tomorrow wouldn’t be another different or weird day because he didn’t know how much longer he could put up the trusting, self-assured boyfriend act.


Felix got the call he’d been waiting on around noon.

Ella had told Felix last night she’d be in at ten after her morning session with her dad’s therapist was over. The appointment was at 7:30 a.m., and it was only an hour. She’d have plenty of time to get to 5th Street on time. Yet she’d missed her ten a.m. class, and this time she hadn’t gotten anyone to cover.

When Nellie had come in to ask Felix if he’d heard from Ella because this was so unlike Ella and she was worried, the guys had been okay with him breaking his rule of not using his phone during training to call her. Nellie had already tried calling her, and she wasn’t answering or responding to her texts.

His first instincts were that she’d been in an accident. The guys had even told him to relax when he’d jumped out of the ring to go call her. She didn’t answer, so he’d called her dad. Her dad had confirmed two things: he hadn’t even had an appointment with this therapist that morning and Ella had left to meet someone for breakfast at eight.

She hadn’t specified with whom. Her father said she’d only said she was meeting a friend then heading to work afterward. Felix might’ve felt underhanded about asking, but given the circumstances, he really hadn’t given a shit.

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