Grayson’s detective friend Drake and his wife America “but everybody calls me Meri” quickly made arrangements that their group would meet with the rest of them in a few minutes up on the deck.

“Hear that?” Drake pointed up with a big goofy smile. “Sounds like the band’s already getting warmed up. Let’s get this party started, guys.”

“We’ll get a table big enough for all of us,” Margie said, smiling big at Ella’s dad.

“Sounds good.” Her dad smiled back. “We’ll see you all in a few.”

Ella wouldn’t even look at Grayson. She handed her life jacket to her dad. “Will you take this back to the room for me, please? I have to make a call. I’ll just meet you all up there.”

She made it a point to walk away in the opposite direction of Grayson. “Unbelievable,” she muttered as she walked out onto one of the decks. Taking a deep breath, she was about to hit speed dial then remembered Felix’s lack of focus he’d mentioned more than once this week. He’d be training with those Bosnian trainers this weekend. She didn’t want to ruin that for him, and she was certain this would. But she couldn’t keep this from him, could she? He’d be furious.

“He’s gonna be furious regardless,” she whispered, staring out into the ocean. “Damn you, Grayson!”

Yesterday when he’d told her about Adelina having to spend the night, she’d been ready to go off on him, but he’d been able to calm her before she snapped. He’d been completely honest and sincere and assured her she had nothing to worry about. And she believed him. As maddening as this was, he’d have to believe her too if she assured him he’d have nothing to worry about, right?

Ella hit speed dial with a newfound determination. She could do this, and he’d believe her when she told him she was just as annoyed by this turn of events but Grayson wouldn’t be getting what he thought he might be getting by pulling this stunt—a chance to reconnect. He had to believe her.

“Hey baby.” He laughed. “Hold on. I was listening, but I gotta take this. She’s on a ship.”

She heard the guys say something else and then more laughter. “Should I call back another time?” her cowardly ass asked a bit too hopefully.


“No! No way.” He laughed again. “I’ve been waiting for your call. I can take getting my balls busted in more than one language.”

She heard him tell them he’d be back, and then the voices in the background were suddenly gone. “So how’s it going? You having fun?”

“Well, it just started. I haven’t actually heard the band yet. How’s training with those new trainers.”

“They haven’t been here long,” he explained. “But they’re already giving me a hard time about not focusing again. All kidding aside I really do need to get my shit together. I was just waiting to hear from you, but after this, it’s on.”

“Oh,” she said with a gulp.

“Something wrong?” As usual, Felix picked up on her altered moods instantly.

“No, not at all,” she said, doing her best to sound as cheerful as always. “I just miss you,” she added as the guilt seeped in.

How could she tell him now? His entire weekend training would be a wash. As much as she tried to sugarcoat this, he was going to be pissed.

She happily told him more about the cruise, describing the small room she’d be sharing with her dad and the bunk beds they’d be sleeping on. She even giggled when she told him about her drink—a Red Hot Momma.

“I asked the guy at the bar to make me a foo-foo drink, something he thought I might like. It was pretty and very foo-foo with a big pineapple wedge and little umbrella, but the name made me laugh.”

“Are you wearing red, Ella?” Felix asked, not sounding quite as amused as she was.

She glanced down at her red sundress confused. “Yes.”

The second she said it she felt like an idiot.

“I figured as much,” he said a bit annoyed. “Go easy on those Red Hot Mommas. Those fruity tropical drinks are the kind that sneak up on you.”

“I will,” she said, still feeling dumb.

“And stay away from that bartender.”

He was serious, but at the same time, she could hear the playfulness in his tone. There was no way she was ruining his mood. He’d been in good spirits from the moment he answered. Of course, she knew she had to tell him, but she’d wait until she got back or at least until tomorrow night when his special training was almost over. If he was going to be mad regardless, there was no sense in ruining his entire weekend and training this early on.

The call ended with Felix blowing a few kisses into the phone, which only made her feel better about her decision not to tell him. Once off the phone she groaned, knowing she’d inevitably be having that unpleasant conversation with him. Then she groaned again when she thought of what she’d be doing next—hanging out with Grayson and his friends. There was no way out of it either. This whole cruise had been for her dad, and she’d seen the twinkle in his eye when Margie said she’d save a table for all of them. Great.

She took a big sip of her Red Hot Momma and trudged off toward the upper deck where she could already hear the party was in full swing.


Grayson may’ve pulled a fast one, but Ella would be damned if she was letting him get his way this whole trip. When she got back to the deck, she did her best to avoid getting stuck sitting next to him or alone with him. But it wasn’t easy. She’d been right about that twinkle she’d thought she’d seen in her father’s eyes earlier. Margie was a talker and yakked his ear off the whole time. Her dad seemed engrossed with her. And while that made Ella happy because her dad deserved to let loose and have a little fun for once, it left her at odds at the table.

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