Felix frowned. He grew up hearing Spanish music, but he doubted he’d know any lyrics to any of those old songs off the top of his head. “What song was it?”

“Just one of the Vicente ones I’d mentioned liking.”

He could be wrong, and he didn’t want to start being paranoid or acting like a jealous boyfriend. Obviously, it wasn’t a quality in a guy Ella found endearing, but if he weren’t mistaken, she was purposely avoiding a straight answer. He’d asked her twice now, and she talked around it but hadn’t actually answered the question. This could be an issue, especially if she was still insisting it was completely innocent.

“What song, Ella?”

She cleared her throat, and he heard her whisper something in a coddling tone to Larry. “The song? Umm . . . Lastima Que Seas Ajena.”

Felix squeezed the phone. He’d been right. He didn’t know the lyrics. But he didn’t have to. Not with a song title that said it all. It’s a shame you belong to someone else.

“And you still talk to Gabe?”

“Yeah,” she responded without the slightest hesitation. “Mostly via social media. But he does call me on occasion.”

This was definitely going to be an issue.

Chapter 12



Grayson wouldn’t ruin this for her. Ella hadn’t even given Felix a definite answer about moving forward with this relationship thing, and already he’d made a couple things clear. One, he didn’t like Grayson or the way he’d spoken to her. Two, if she was going to insist on remaining amicable with Grayson, Felix could deal with that, but he would not be putting up with any disrespect from him. Not toward him and certainly not towards Ella.

The only reason she hadn’t told Grayson to go to hell yet was because he’d once again gone above and beyond to apologize for his reaction on the phone the night she and Felix had had their marathon conversation. He’d insisted he just had her best interests at heart, and Ella just couldn’t forget all that he’d done for her family way back before he thought there was anything in it for him. Knowing what she knew about Grayson now, she was certain he saw himself in Memo. He would’ve done the exact thing had he been in that same scenario. He’d been just as adamant that Memo not spend a single day in jail, and he’d done everything in his power to make sure he didn’t. Ella would be eternally grateful to him for that.

She also couldn’t forget all the help he’d been in getting the local self-defense class started at the high school before it was moved to 5th Street. He volunteered and even had some of his fellow officer friends volunteer to brave the padded suits and take a few in the groin the first weekends when Ella was just getting the whole thing started. All in the name of safety and to help her cause.

While she would still remain friends with Grayson, she had made things clear to him. Felix didn’t even know yet, but she’d told Grayson she was now in a relationship with Felix. Like it or not, she expected him to respect her decision and not interfere. It was silly to continue to pretend she hadn’t decided. Every one of their friends knew now. Felix assured her none of them would be spilling it to the press, but their enamored moments together were no longer limited to the stairwell. They’d since been in the same training room with the guys and few other trainers where Felix made no secret of the fact that she was with him now, holding her hand and even kissing her a few times in front of them.

What she felt for him now had won over the fear of getting hurt. The more time she spent with Felix, the more she was sure he was absolutely sincere when he told her he was crazy about her. Strength came in different forms. This time she’d use it to conquer her fears and allow herself to enjoy the bliss that up until now she’d been enjoying only secretly. Though, it was hardly a secret anymore.

Grayson had been surprisingly understanding, though he’d still offered to be there for her if things got “tough.”

“I know you probably won’t believe this, Ella,” he’d said once she’d made it clear her mind was made up, “but I really do only have your best interests at heart. The media can be cruel, and I know you’re not going into this blindly. You’re probably all set to suck it up and be strong because that’s who you are. But it’s not fair, babe. Just ’cause he’s used to it doesn’t mean you need to put up an act and pretend you’re okay with it. I’ll be here for you always, okay? If you ever need to vent, don’t think I’ll talk shit if you come to me. I won’t. I promise.”

Ella had been left a bit speechless. She hadn’t expected that kind of reaction, but then it’d been one of the things that had initially made Grayson so endearing to her. His sincere concern had shown when he’d gone above and beyond for Memo.

Needless to say she was very relieved to have that behind her now, especially now that her relationship was slowly becoming less of a secret.

Today was an example of just how not secret their relationship was—from his friends anyway. Felix and Ella were on their way to Abel’s place. He and Nellie were having an informal dinner to celebrate having been asked to baptize Hector and Charlee’s unborn baby. All of them were now well aware of her and Felix being together, so when they got there, before they went inside, she thought she’d let him know she’d made a decision.

Felix reached his hand out to her as he came around the car in Abel’s wraparound driveway. “Grayson knows we’re together now,” Ella said.

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