“Didn’t I tell you what I thought of him? What he’d be trying with you? Did he take you out to his car for a quickie?”

“I don’t care what you think of him. What I do with him or anyone is none of your business!”

He skidded into a gas station, ironically, the same one where he’d run into her and Felix the night they were putting air in her tires. “So is that it?” he asked, banging on the steering wheel. “Does this mean you’re gonna fuck him? Or have you already?”

“Take me back now or I’ll get out and walk.”

“Answer the question!” Ella opened the door and started to get out. “Get back in here!” he yelled as she slammed the door shut.

She’d never been so humiliated in her life. This was exactly why she’d broken up with Grayson and a perfect reminder that no matter how much he claimed he’d changed, he hadn’t. At all. At least now she could finally stop wondering if breaking things off with him had been a mistake. For a long time, she’d wondered if maybe she’d been unfair or too hasty in her decision to break up with him. It was why she still let him come around. Her feelings for Grayson had run pretty deep at one point, and she’d been afraid she’d regret it—miss him. As much as she still cared for the guy, even with his faults—she wouldn’t deny that she did—she knew now she’d made the right decision. His temper just wasn’t worth it. She was so done with him.

The reality of what had just happened back at the gym slammed into her suddenly. She was only glad now that she hadn’t quit her job at Starbucks yet because she had no idea how she’d face Felix again.

Grayson followed her as she stalked through the gas station toward the corner where she could cross the street. “Get in, Ella. I’m sorry.” As usual, he sounded genuinely remorseful. Once the anger passed, he always was. She ignored him, continuing to walk, arms crossed tightly in front of her. “I’ll take you back. I promise. Please just get in.”

She stopped and let her head fall back. The thought of taking the walk of shame all the way back to 5th Street where Felix might still be waiting out front was a mortifying one. She’d sooner walk straight home instead, but she had classes pending still, and she’d told no one aside from Felix that she was leaving. Her one o’clock class was probably already waiting on her.

“I’m not talking to you about him,” she said without even looking at him.



“I need to get back ASAP, Grayson. I have a class waiting on me.”

“I’ll take you straight there.”

Letting her shoulders slump in defeat, she got back in the car. “Drop me off at the back entrance.”

As promised, Grayson didn’t say another word the whole way back until they were almost at the back entrance. “I’m sorry I lost it, babe. I really am. You know I’m trying.”

Ella nodded but said nothing. He’d been sorry about losing it too many times. The words meant nothing anymore.

“Ella, just promise me one thing,” he said as he pulled the car over to drop her off. Ella refrained from rolling her eyes, reaching for the door handle. “Promise me”—he touched her arm—“that you won’t forget what we talked about.”

Ella stopped just before getting out of the car but didn’t turn to face him. How could she forget? It was all she could think of lately.

“Whatever he says or does for you, whatever he buys you, it’s nothing he hasn’t already done for someone else. I’m only saying this because I care about you and don’t wanna see you get hurt, but I know you, Ella. Without having been there, I can guarantee you your reaction to him wasn’t anything like what he’s used to from girls. It’s probably throwing him for a loop that you’re not falling all over yourself over him. For a guy like him, it’s probably a refreshing challenge. But make no mistake about it, babe. That’s all you are to him—a challenge. Once he’s nailed you, you’ll be just like all the others, yesterday’s news.”

She knew what he was saying made all the sense in the world. Her head had made this very argument with her heart each and every time she’d been caught up in one of Felix’s intense gazes or every time he smiled at her so genuinely. Even today when he’d put it out there for her, saying he couldn’t explain what she did to him, it had felt so sincere. No matter how hard she tried to remind herself of the very thing Grayson was saying—that giving into anything with Felix was a huge risk to her heart—she wasn’t sure she could fight the temptation. Despite everything that had just happened, her heart was still doing a little dance over Felix’s words just before she read Grayson’s texts.

Without saying a word, she got out and closed his door. Her heart ached suddenly at the thought of what Felix must be thinking of her but more so because she knew they’d eventually get back to that conversation he’d started. She’d have to do the right thing: gather all her strength to protect her heart.

Chapter 10


Never in his life, not even in all the fights he’d ever been in, had Felix felt the adrenaline pummel through him like it had the moment he’d seen Ella slip in the back way and rush into the stairwell. He’d almost missed her, but he’d done a double take when he saw her. Then he practically sprinted towards the stairwell door, turning a few heads in the process, but he’d been going mad waiting for her to get back. Now that she had, he wasn’t waiting even a second to talk to her. If there had ever been any doubt that he had it bad for this girl, there was zero now.

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