Charlee put her arm around Drew’s shoulder. “You’re such a romantic, Drew.”

“Yeah”—Drew rolled her eyes—“that’s why I’m still single, right?”

“No, it’s just that you haven’t met Mr. Right. But he’s out there.”

“What happened to you being allergic to assholes?” Hector asked as Ella let out a slow relieved breath, glad that the conversation had now shifted to Drew’s love life.

“What?” Charlee asked, laughing.

“It’s what she told me a long time ago, only the asshole she was referring to”—he turned to Charlee—“was me.”

Now Drew laughed, bringing her hand over her mouth. “I didn’t think you’d still remember that after all this time.”

“Trust me. I’ll never forget. But apparently you’re not allergic to them, because the last two or three guys you dated were assholes.”

Ella saw Charlee nudge Hector. “Babe,” she warned.

“No, he’s right,” Drew agreed quickly. “But there is you-know-who.” She gave Charlee a look. “And he’s a really sweet guy.”

“Poor sap.” Hector laughed. “He doesn’t stand a chance, then.”


“Not true,” Drew retorted. “He’s actually really starting to grow on me, so we’ll see.”

Thankfully, the conversation stayed on Drew for a while; then they got back to the interview. By the time the pizzas and pitchers of beer were gone, Drew said she had all she needed, and they started wrapping it up.

Ella wasn’t sure if it was the three mugs of beer she’d had or if, as the time had passed, she felt a little more at ease with all of them. She had a feeling it was a mixture of both. That and Carmen hadn’t said anything else to make her cringe or feel uncomfortable since her comments about Grayson.

The restaurant had apparently closed off access to the back alley to anyone but employees and Felix’s party. So when they walked out they were spared having to face the mob of reporters.

“Oh you know what?” Carmen said to Ella just as Felix opened the back door of his car for her. “Since I live right around the corner, if Felix drops me off, then you don’t have to come back this way from 5th Street. You can go straight home from there.”

Felix closed Carmen’s door after she’d gotten in then turned to open Ella’s door. He was so close she could smell his cologne again and feel the warmth of his body. He smiled as he opened Ella’s door, making her insides melt once again.

“I can do that.”

His words were practically a murmur, but Ella chided herself for even going there. Clearly, she was being delusional now. She refrained from gulping because he stood so close she was certain he’d hear it. So she nodded, not sure if she should be thanking Carmen this time or threatening to kill her the moment Felix closed Ella’s door.

Her insides were going nuts, knowing she’d very soon be in a car with Felix—alone—then Carmen’s mouth was right behind her head, speaking rapidly again as soon as Felix closed the door.

“I know you’re gonna say I’m crazy, Ella,” Carmen whispered, “but I think maybe Felix is digging you.”

Ella’s eyes shot open. “What? No! Shh!” she said all at once, looking out at Felix as he walked slowly around the front of the car.

“I’m serious,” Carmen insisted, still whispering rapidly. “I thought I’d noticed earlier the way he looked at you when you two were talking, but after Drew asked you about Grayson, it was like he couldn’t keep his eyes off you. But it wasn’t just him looking at you; it was how he did it.”

“Stop!” Ella said, completely panicked as Felix reached the door.

The door opened and he got in. “So just tell me the way,” he said, glancing back at Carmen.

He’d turned on the car even before he got in it, so he started pulling out now. Ella stared straight ahead, trying desperately not to put too much weight on what Carmen had just laid on her.

There was no way.

If anything, she might believe what she’d begun to think earlier. That it was just in his nature to come across a bit flirtatious with any girls he spoke with. It was also quite possible that he didn’t even realize the sensuality he exuded with a simple gaze—murmur. And that was likely what Carmen had picked up on too.

It wasn’t until Carmen was dropped off that Ella finally allowed herself to glance at Felix. Even then she did what she’d tried so hard not to do earlier—look away the moment their eyes met and give away how nervous he really made her.

“Something wrong?” he asked, visibly picking up on her unease.

“No.” She shook her head, smiling and meeting his eyes again, this time holding the eye contact.

“You haven’t said a word since we left the pizza place. Did the reporters spook you?”

The reporters may’ve spared them in the alley, but they were right there flashing their cameras the moment the car came around the corner to exit through the front. Ella had barely noticed them. She’d been so busy lost in her thoughts about what Carmen had said.

“No, no, not at all,” she assured him with a smile.

“There’s that smile,” he said sweetly.

And there was that gaze again, the one she’d been treated to so often tonight. The same one no doubt Carmen had picked up on. The one that rendered her speechless now and made her feel as if she were in a trance.

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