“But”—she put her hands over her breasts—“I can’t even imagine . . .”

Felix didn’t really understand how a procedure like that worked, but he could imagine her fear. “I can go with you so you can get more information on it, and it could help you decide.”

“I already know most of what I need to know,” she said with a shrug. “I’ve been researching it since he brought it up. Basically, they’re removed completely, and later, I can have reconstructive surgery and possibly get fake ones put in. But I won’t be able to afford a boob job for a while, and before you even say it, I am not letting my boyfriend buy me boobs.”

The relief came slowly, but it felt intoxicating. This was what she was worried about? That she’d be without breasts because she was going to be stubborn about it and not let him pay for them?

“Do you remember this spot?” Her eyes pinched, obviously surprised by the sudden change in topic. Felix laughed. “This spot, the very place you’re standing.”

Ella looked around; then her eyes went wide. He handed her the bouquet of balloons and set the bags down. It was the very spot on Main Street where they stood the first time he told her he loved her.

Felix pulled out the small pouch in his pocket he’d checked so often all day was still there. He took the ring out, and her eyes opened even wider and sparkled with tears again, only this time for good reason—he hoped.

He got down on his knee before her. “Will you make this roller coaster we’ve been on worth every moment—good and bad—and marry me?”

She brought her hand to her mouth. “Felix, it doesn’t seem fair. What if I get sick again?”

“I don’t care,” he said firmly. “I’m not getting off this ride with you no matter what. Whatever happens we’ll ride it out together.” He tilted his head. “If you have the procedure done, the chances of you getting sick again decrease dramatically. And if you marry me”—he smiled—“you wouldn’t have to ask your boyfriend to pay for the boobs.”

This was not the conversation he’d imagined having with her while down on his knees proposing. But then he never expected this wrench to get thrown in just as he was about to.


Her eyes went from the ring to him as she seemed to ponder it. “Say yes, baby,” he whispered. “Make this the second happiest day of my life.”

That did it. Her face crumbled as she nodded. He knew he wouldn’t have to explain that. The happiest day of his life would forever be the day she told him she was cancer free. When they’d cried in each other’s arms over the news, he’d told her everything good that happened to him from that moment on would be a distant second. Even if they had kids someday, nothing would ever beat the feeling of knowing he had his Ella back—ever.

“Yes,” she said, holding her arms out, and he stood up, placing the ring on her finger quickly then hugging her hard like he’d wanted to do when she was sick but was afraid to hurt her.

After a few long moments of standing there kissing and enjoying the beautiful moment, they started their slow walk down the middle of Main Street just as they had that first time. Despite the feeling of walking on air because the girl of his dreams had just agreed to be his formally and forever, he knew they still had a few more scary turns to take on this ride. And he knew no matter how hard she continued to try and hide her fear this procedure couldn’t possibly be an easy thing to go through.

Felix remembered how Ella had tried in vain a few times when she was sick to make light of things by joking around. So he thought he’d give it a shot now.

“So let’s talk about these boobs your husband will be picking out now.” She turned to him with a playful glare. “Don’t worry. I won’t get ridiculous or anything. I’m thinking F’s.” She laughed but elbowed him. “Okay, okay,” he said, laughing. “Double D’s, but that’s as small as I’ll go. Look how much bigger I am than you. There will be no compromising on this.”

Ella turned to him, smiling sweetly, and then promptly stomped on his foot. Felix yelped, pretending it hurt more than it really did then pulled her tightly in his arms again. “I love you, my ‘Mighty Little Ms. Ella.’”

“I love you too,” she said, looking up at him with a big smile.

“Full D’s maybe?” He grinned.

She laughed, trying to push him away, but he squeezed her tightly as he always would from now until forever.



Little G and Maddox both washed and dried their hands, horsing around as usual. Gio signed to them, reminding them both that their mom was waiting outside with their food. He tousled their hair as they walked past him out of the restroom.

Bianca was at the large table in the area reserved exclusively for their large group at Goofy’s Kitchen. Bianca’s mom signed to the boys as they reached the table that their food was yummy and pretended to nibble on one of their tater tots.

Gio leaned into Bianca, rubbing her swollen belly as he took the seat next to her. She turned and kissed him, smiling, then pointed at her waffles. She’d been craving some since last night.

“You still feeling good?” Gio asked, smiling down at her loaded waffles. “Obviously, your appetite’s feeling great.”

“Yes, I’m feeling good.” She nodded happily as she began digging her fork into her waffles. “I’m feeling very good actually.”

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