Stopping behind Kate Ethan leant over her shoulder the slight contact causing her to flinch and shoved a document in her face.

'The bank can't have a new customer doing a runner after racking up a huge bill now can they? Any pattern of suspicious withdrawals or excessive transactions is flagged and the customer responsible for payment is contacted…me' He screwed the document up and flung it on the floor.

Kate still didn't have a clue about what Ethan was talking about. The amount she'd spent on a few personal items was hardly excessive and as for the cash withdrawals they hadn't even reached $100.

Ethan planted himself in front towering over her. 'And as for these….' Ethan wrenched several photos from his inside coat pocket and threw them in Kate's face. As if needing to distance himself from an offensive smell he stepped back from her, his breath laboured.

Kate slowly bent to retrieve the photos. She felt no flicker of recognition as she sifted through the first few photos. They showed a young man in school uniform, a tortured expression marring his angelic features, in the arms of ….oh my god..herself. Plumper but, nevertheless herself. His abject misery brought a lump to her throat but still no glimmer of recognition.

The last print though made Kate break out in a cold sweat.

A strangers arm was draped around her neck, pulling her in awkwardly. He was smiling private thoughts while her smile seemed… forced. Kate's throat constricted even more. Was it fear she felt when looking at his face? Or dread at the thought that this was her significant other and her strong feelings for Ethan were finally proved to be wrong?

The credit card bill forgotten Kate cleared her throat and implored. 'Does this mean you know who I am?'

'Oh I know who you are-Zoe.'


Zoe? 'More disastrously for your plans I know what you are.' Ethan sneered. 'A conniving cheat, a leech, a lying slut who seduces young boys then discards them.'

Kate's horrified gasp only served to drive Ethan to grab a hold of her hair and yank her head back so his eyes could bore into hers.

'You're good I'll give you that. The money, hey that's business but to drive a young man to suicide, that's debauched, evil. To falsely accuse a colleague of stalking that's contemptible.'

Ethan's cutting words made Kate nauseous and weak at the knees.

She couldn't have. It's not true. It couldn't be true. It just couldn't be. He continued to drive the knife into her wounded heart as he drove her bodily against the wall of the study.

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