She wouldn't know it was his birthday anyway, he reminded himself. So if she wanted to go shopping for whatever then she was free to do so. No way would he ever put pressure on her about spending his money, or detail what he was spending on the investigation. He was and always would be in her debt no matter how many installments he repaid. Her restlessness at the breakfast table and her desire to see him gone worried him though. Could he be wrong about her? Was she feeling uncomfortable about the way he was, to put it crudely, coming onto her? Her response on the boat, though, had been unmistakable. A woman clearly aroused by a man. But was it him or just frustration that could be assuaged by any man? She had raised the idea of leaving. Maybe that explains her behaviour. Embarrassed by her bodies response she was trying to freeze him out. So why doesn't she look at David like that? He wasn't that old, had an athletic build and an air of danger and mystery that was probably a turn on for a woman. Not rich though a little voice nagged him. Celeste really had poisoned him, he wryly admitted.

The girl whose bones he wanted to jump when she'd asked 'when did he want her' posed a problem for Ethan. He never backed down when faced with a challenge to solve a problem no matter how puzzling, especially if the prize was worth it. And Jemima was certainly worth it. Lunch will be fun.

Lunch will be far from fun, Jem mumbled, as she sat and polished off her breakfast her appetite returning once Ethan had gone.

She just knew it was going to be one of those days when Chloe had burst into her room at daybreak begging to choose her 'J' name. Please, please, please she'd pleaded.

It seemed her favourite show, absolutely ever, was Playschool which showed on the ABC, one wholeheartedly approved by Darlene as there were no ads that enticed a girl with a rich indulgent Daddy. Imogen knew the show. Anyone under the age of 30 had grown up with its simple format of 2 hosts that played with, but not looked down at, their 5yrs and under audience. The significance of the letter 'J' hadn't escaped her either, since Chloe's favourite doll was named after one of the shows mainstays.

Being known as Jemima for a day was a small price to pay in return for Chloe's growing closeness. Her life at the moment was devoid of a sense of belonging, of knowing that no matter how alone one was there were still family and friends waiting in the wings should one need them centre stage. And oh how she needed them now. She should have felt honoured that the girl had wished to bestow on her such a hallowed name. Oh but why couldn't the doll have been called Jenny, or Julie. Even Jasmine, though after her unkind thoughts about Magnolia maybe not! As if she could have denied Ethan's daughter with her big blue eyes so like her fathers anything. All who met her quickly became slaves for life.

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