Perhaps he could find her a place in one of his companies and a small flat somewhere close. While the idea of her leaving hurt somewhat he realized that it would probably be for the best. At least if she worked for him he could keep an eye on her and even make their relationship more formal. A real courtship. Promising himself to broach the subject later Ethan put his doubts and worries away and concentrated on maneuvering the craft close to the sandy shore of a small creek that had created the towering sides.

Imogen collected the cooler from downstairs while Ethan piggy backed his impatient daughter, Barbie and boat to the shore. Once deposited Chloe whooped with delight and set off exploring leaving Ethan's words of caution in her wake. Imogen passed the cooler and picnic blanket to Ethan who ferried them on to dry land. Realising she was next Imogen sat on the side of the vessel and braced herself to enter the cool water before Ethan had a chance to return. Having seen that the water came up to mid thigh on Ethan she figured that she was going to get very wet. The wicked glint in his eye suggested that he knew she was tossing up the relative merits of being carried by Ethan or getting soaked. Ethan put laid to that plan by calling out 'Wait for me.'

Common sense won out.

Returning to the boat Ethan reached up for Imogen. Fully expecting him to turn around to present his back Imogen hesitated. Then to her consternation Ethan hauled her from the edge and against his firm chest to he carried her like she was a maiden in distress and he her white knight.

This is not good. Ethan shifted her weight easily to bring her closer so her head nestled in his neck, her mouth close when he looked down at his cargo. She felt the usual flush of heat and the acceleration of her pulse. He had to feel it surely, if not hear it. Imogen wouldn't have been surprised if the lorikeets nibbling in the trees took to flight scared away by the racket her heart was making.

The hand clamped under her ribs was tantalizingly close to her breast. She felt destined for a soaking should his hold get any more intimate. She knew she wasn't frightened of men, well she didn't feel like she was. She was wary though of her strong reactions to Ethan and didn't know how she would cope if he became aware of them. The desire to move a fraction and place her lips over the pulse beating in his clenched jaw was overwhelming. Aches in private places only surfaced when he was near. Thankfully Ethan reached the shore, though her torment didn't end there. Dam the man, she fumed, as he didn't put her down straight away. Instead he ever so slowly released her legs so that she was held suspended from his strong arm, held fast to his chest. He then eased the pressure so that she slid sensuously down his front making her all too aware why his jaw was rigid.

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