That was close, Ethan noted wryly. Getting up close and personal as usual made him painfully hard and aching to kiss that temptress senseless. The bed within swooping distance hadn't helped. He'd finally come to the conclusion after 3 sleepless nights that he could no longer fight his attraction for Imogen. Instead he'd thought he'd come to a rather attractive solution. Draw her closer, explore what was simmering between them and at the same time offer her freedom to leave. If she responded as he hoped she would then he would be confident in letting her go so a more normal courtship could be embarked upon. Flowers, chocolates, dinner dates, the theatre, weekends away…then perhaps… who can tell. They say you only really own something if it returns once you let it go.

At a more leisurely pace, the time needed to get his frustrated body under control, Ethan followed up the stairs once again weighing up the pros and cons of a physical relationship at this time, before he let her go. He tried not to give his traitorous body the casting vote. He was certain the feelings were mutual if her laboured breathing, slumberous eyes and parted lips were any indication. Her annoying habit of escaping every time he got within kissing distance would have deterred a less confident man but Ethan only saw it as another sign she was not indifferent to him. And perhaps like him harbouring misgivings. After all he was free to explore the potential between them but was she? What if she was married and chose not to wear a ring? Or at least engaged and had had her ring stolen in the fuss of the accident? Or a nun? Now you're being silly, he chided himself, she didn't look like a nun, though he wasn't sure what they did look like, and after all don't nuns wear a ring.

Remembering her response each time he came close to her he hoped she was no nun. As for an absent partner? He'd deal with that obstacle if and when he surfaced.

The object of his musings could be seen running up the steps and into the house as if the devil was on her heels.

Was he Satan? Determined to enjoy the day and the challenge of letting her go in order to keep her Ethan returned to the house to prepare for a day in the harsh Australian sun and to relay his plans to Darlene. Thank god for sea sickness, he thought, though Chloe was, unfortunately, more than enough of a chaperone.

'This can't go on!' Imogen told no one in particular when she returned to the sanctuary of her room, free of Ethan vibes. Her growing infatuation was causing her restless dream filled nights and tension filled days. At least the nightmares had eased. Staying here under Ethan's protection was like being held safe in a haunted house - no real danger just fear of the unknown and ghosts, ghosts of her past that hovered on the edge of her subconscious. The alternative though was scary. To go it alone without a job or somewhere to live all the while feeling the need to look over her shoulder was daunting. Oh why wasn't her memory resurfacing? It was so frustrating, to recognize so many things and yet be unable to recall those dear to her heart. Once again she looked at the increasingly familiar face in the mirror. Was it familiar or gradually remembered? Imogen gave herself a mental shake and declared, again to the ghosts in her room 'Like Scarlett I'll worry about it tomorrow or at least until after Ethan's party. Then Social Services, I'm all yours.'

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