With a final kiss to her flushed cheek Ethan turned off the bedside lamp and led Felicity out of the room. Without letting go he escorted her to her own room. Felicity wondered if she too would be tucked in and perhaps a kiss?

'I always escort ladies to their door.' His uncanny ability to read her mind was unnerving. Unbidden a replay of Ethan putting a lady to bed this time with herself in the starring role caused Felicity to noisily clear her throat.

'Um…Thank you for a wonderful night.'

'Entirely my pleasure.'

Though he was drawn to her lips Ethan instead bent to place a chaste kiss on his 'wards' cheek. What he had been thinking about all evening, to take her in his arms and explore what simmered between them, was something not to be rushed. He just knew she would taste divine and the temptation to test his theory was strong. But alas he looked into the deep blue pools of trust, remembered his place and heaved a deep sigh. A few more minutes, seconds even, he knew he wouldn't be able to stop and stop he must.

Ethan grasped the arms of the trembling woman before him, gently but firmly put her from him and bade her 'Sweet dreams."

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