'Why would I want to powder my nose, Daddy?'

'He means the toilets, love.'

'Why would I want to powder the toilets?' Chloe's voice carried through the restaurant their conversation drawing amused glances as they were shown to their table.

'No honey. To powder your nose means to go to the toilets.'

'Well why don't he say so?'

'Doesn't he say so. That's what the posh people say. So much more refined.' The last was said with a plumb pommy accent which made Chloe giggle loudly.

Once again the gods are conspiring against me, Felicity grumbled. The table was a three sided affair and Chloe as in the car wanted to sit next to the window to press her nose against the glass and give a running commentary on the passing landscape. As a result Felicity was forced to sit directly next to Ethan. Ethan gallantly held her chair out and waited for her to be settled before he himself took his seat. As he did so his leg accidentally brushed Felicity's bare knee.

'Sorry about that'

'No need to apologise.' Just don't do it again, please. 'You seem a little uptight. Is everything O.K.? You're not afraid of heights are you?'

'Not at all.' Just you. 'If you feel giddy or uncomfortable at this restaurant we can always go somewhere else…lower.'



'No!' the adults chorused.

'I'm fine with this restaurant. I'm fine with the height. I'm just flabbergasted with the view. I'm also starving!' To add credence to her words and put an end to Ethan's worries Felicity dazzled him with her best and brightest smile. His answering smile and tender look, funnily enough, began to undo the knots.

'Do you prefer red or white?'

'White thanks. Reds give me a headache-What?' Felicity looked up from the menu she had been perusing and encountered a pointed look from Ethan.

'Do you remember that or just know it?'

Frowning Felicity thought for a moment. 'I just…seem to know it. I can't recall an exact occasion when I felt sick after indulging in red wine but I know I don't react well to the stuff.'

'A Red hating blues native!...Thought that would bring that smile back.'

The wine waiter brought the chardonnay that Ethan had ordered and offered him a taste. Ethan deferred to Felicity who took a sip. The label of the wine held by the waiter caught Felicity's eye. Coolangatta. The name looked familiar.

'Is it to your taste?'

Felicity looked vacantly at Ethan.

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