Accessories were another no brainer. She didn't have any! Then her glance caught reflected in the mirror the vase of fresh flowers that Darlene insisted on placing in her room every day. Picking a Gardenia from the bunch Felicity dragged a few tendrils from near her face and gathered them just above the nape of her neck using an elastic band to secure them and the flower in place. Eyeing her self in the mirror Felicity felt her look was understated class and that for Ethan she thought she looked just right.

Ethan thought she looked just gorgeous.

He couldn't help it. His intense gaze pinned her to the spot as she came into view on the landing above promptly at 5.30. He had thought her attractive but now she was stunning and he was properly stunned. No longer did she look too young for him or he feel too old for her. While getting dressed he had repeated mantra like all afternoon that this was not a date. How stupid of him to be so glib at lunch. What did Felicity think? It was no more than a father taking his daughter and his ward out for a meal. At least that was the approach, he kept reminding himself, he was going to take. That was until he saw her standing hesitantly at the top of the stairs. With her flawless skin, shining hair, bright sky eyes, petite almost gamine figure and impossibly high stilettos he had another think coming. Although it wasn't his mind that had decided she looked less like a ward-a charity case-and more like an attractive option. Option for what, that was the problem.

Recovering quickly when he realized that his unblinking stare had caused Felicity to halt uncertain at the top of the stairs Ethan bounded up and proffered his arm to escort her down.

Felicity paused. The action was too intimate and bespoke of a different relationship than what they had, if charity case and benefactor could be classed as a relationship, she thought dourly. Though she had to admit the look in Ethan's eyes was definitely not fatherly. He positively radiated sensual energy and it was all directed at Felicity. On a pent up clearly audible sigh she took his arm.

'Me too Daddy!" Chloe flew down the hallway and grabbed his other arm.

With a sigh and an almost apologetic look at Felicity Ethan cocked his elbow to escort both ladies down the stairs, a slow process since coordinating legs of a 6'4" man, high heels and a 5 year old wasn't easy.

No apology was needed. For that split second when their eyes had fused and Ethan had placed her hand proprietarily on his arm she had been in heaven. And hell.

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