You have no idea, Felicity thought ruefully.

'Yes, I guess that's it.' Thinking quickly she replied. 'Not thinking quickly at all. I just might go up and lie down for a while.'

'Do you want Darlene to bring you up a tray?'

'A tray?'

'I think lunch is ready?'

'Lunch? Oh of course, yes it is. I'll just go and freshen up then…say 10 minutes?'

'I'll wait for you.'


'In the family room, silly…Felicity?'



'Are you alright? You look a little flushed. Do you want me to see you to your room?'

'NO! No, no-really. I'm fine, fine. I won't be long.' With erotic thoughts of Ethan seeing her to her room Felicity pounded up the stairs leaving a concerned looking Ethan gazing up after her.

Ethan entered the kitchen aware of 2 opposing smells. Air freshener and toasted something. He wondered if Darlene had disposed of a first attempt at toasted sandwiches and had sprayed to clear the air. He ruffled Chloe's hair and sat down next to her at the table. Sniffing the air Ethan asked 'Had a mishap, Darlene.'

Her look of contempt that passed as a reply assured him she hadn't.

'Felicity will be about 10 minutes. Any chance of holding up our lunch?'

'No problem. I was waiting until you returned to toast these as yet untoasted foccacia. I've already given Chloe her nicely toasted sandwich.'

Ethan sat unconsciously drumming his fingers awaiting Felicity and lunch. He was hungry and when she came into the room he knew that he wasn't just hungry for food. His gaze devoured her.

The meal was a relaxed affair though Ethan's and Felicity's eyes played cat and mouse. Ever watchful Darlene enjoyed the game set and match.

'addy? Cam me tape Felissimy to minner?'

'Chloe don't talk with your mouth full, honey…Now what did you say?'

Quickly gulping down her mouthful Chloe, who finally had her father's attention which had been firmly directed towards Felicity, repeated. 'Daddy, can we take Felicity to dinner. Tonight? You haven't taken her anywhere for ages, so can we, please, please, please.?'

'Well-'Ethan seemed to hesitate as if looking for an excuse not to. '-only if she wants to. Do you?'

'No I don't think so…'

'How come, Fliss?'

'But I don't…'

'Yes why not…Fliss?' The way Ethan said Chloe's nick name for her for today made her toes curl and flames lick up from her core.

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