Darlene and Debbie both smothered their laughter.

'Sarah's brother is 19.' Darlene informed Debbie.

'Still he shouldn't leave things accessible like that. Good thing Chloe can't read.'

'Can too! I know the afferbeck. I'm 5 and going to big school next year.' She declared proudly as she settled in front of the TV ready to watch "Thomas the Tank Engine". Absorbed with the tale she didn't pay any attention to the conversation that went full circle back to Ethan's aversion to birthdays.

'Does he have a particular reason for not wanting a party?' Debbie kept her voice as low as the housekeepers.

'Not really. Too much fuss he says. Maybe it would remind him of the humdingers that Hanna used to throw. She never seemed to invite people that interested Ethan, only people that she considered were on the A list.'

'So would he enjoy a more intimate get together, of close friends and perhaps those from his past?'

Darlene thought for a moment. 'Maybe. What's on your mind?'

'I want to repay Ethan for his kindness so what do you think of the idea of throwing a small party with only his nearest and dearest invited.'

'His nibs won't go for it.'


'He doesn't have to know about it. It could be a surprise.'

"I'll be surprised if he likes it. But then… he'll have to, won't he?'

Like generals formulating a battle plan Darlene and Debbie spent the rest of the day planning a surprise birthday party for Saturday week.

Both tried not to flush guiltily when at dinner Ethan innocently asked "How was their day."

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