'I'd show you but you already know my opinion of that.'

While a hesitant smile took the edge off her words it only added to Ethan's edgy state. His thoughts were running rampart since she had opened the door in her robe wondering if any of the infamous underwear was under her bathrobe. If any underwear at all for that matter.

Clearing his throat Ethan asked 'Do you have enough…er…clothing that you really want that is?'

'I have more clothing than I want or need…I'm not ungrateful. I really appreciate everything you're doing for me it's just I'm not comfortable with such…extravagance, and as for the lingerie in question it's-'she struggled to find the right words '-just not me. At least it doesn't feel like me.' she added ruefully.

Having seen Cathie in the barely there swimming costume he could argue that point but wisely chose to keep it to himself.

'We'll, again, have to agree to disagree since Darlene assures me that the lingerie can't be returned because Chloe removed some stickers. Some sort of security system I suppose.'

Ethan's ignorance of the purpose of the hygiene stickers at least showed Cathie that he wasn't in the habit of buying woman's underwear. She was somewhat pleased at the thought.

'That's settled then. Dinner is in 1 hour. I'll have your pre-dinner drink ready in say 45 minutes?'

Ethan left assuming her compliance over the clothes and the drink.

Sometimes, Cathie thought, he assumed too much.


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