'Oooh. There's a heap of them!' Chloe innocently continued her discoveries. 'I just luv this cosie. How come it's got buttons on its bottom?' Chloe held aloft a scarlet teddy that looked like it would send the wearers breasts up to their chin, and their partners into cardiac arrest.

With a scathing look at the grinning housekeeper Cathie scrambled to her feet, snatched up all the bags stuffing the offending pieces in one of them and carried them up to her room. She was too embarrassed to notice that the bags seemed to be more numerous and heavier than those she carried out of the store.

Unrestrained laughter followed her up the stairs.

By the time Cathie returned to the family room ready for war David was po-faced and Darlene like Chloe was no where to be seen. Cathie sat fuming while she finished her coffee glaring at David daring him to laugh again. When the housekeeper returned she pounced.

'Darlene, I can't keep all those things. I don't need that much underwear.'

'Well I can't take them back.'

'Of course you can. I haven't worn them.' And by the look of them I'm never going to either, she silently added. 'I'm sure….'

'Cathie! Cathie!' bellowed Chloe from the top of the stairs, 'Can I put the undie stickers on my mirror. Can I, can I?

Cathie died another death as Darlene roared with laughter.

David just looked perplexed. 'Undie stickers?'


'Never you mind. Finish your coffee then get out of my kitchen. Some of us are still at work, you know.' The housekeeper pointedly looked at her co-worker.

'Oh no! I won't be able to take them back if she has….' moaned an embarrassed Cathie.

'Guess not.' agreed a smug Darlene 'So. …how about a fashion parade?' asked a brave David.

'NO!' both women rounded on him.

David ducked for cover heading out to garage the car then head home.

Cathie also beat a hasty retreat going up to her room, again, damage control uppermost in her mind followed by annoyance at Darlene's sneakiness.

She could just imagine the look on the preschool teachers faces if Chloe for 'news' describes the 'goodies' that her Daddy had bought his new live in lady friend.

Or the looks on the other children's parents faces when they enquire 'What did you learn today?'

'Well, Chloe's Daddy bought…blah! blah!.' The purchase of a few pieces of intimate apparel for a mystery woman would gain colour and texture doing the rounds of the cappuccino and latte set until it became fact that Chloe's father was keeping a wanton sex slave in his bedroom dressed in nothing more than provocative g-strings and peek-a-boo bras.

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