It seemed the smaller the amount of fabric used the higher the price tag. Cathie could understand Blanche's preference for the higher priced items but she couldn't fathom Darlene's insistence at choosing the briefest bikinis for her to try on. Cathie's natural modesty won out and a simply cut maillot in iridescent blue was chosen along with a matching sarong and broad brimmed straw hat and no she did not need more than one.

'Ethan will like that one.' announced Darlene.

Blanche led the charge up the left to the next level where a bewildering array of ladies fashion assailed them.

'A whole wardrobe you said?' Blanche enquired of Darlene.

'That's right the whole kit and caboodle.'

Cathie wondered why Blanche took the request in her stride. Was it her training or were rich men buying loads of clothes for a woman not uncommon like in the film 'Pretty Woman.' There I go again, she thought, another useless memory. She again found herself having to rope in the excesses of the housekeeper and her willing accomplice. She felt like stamping her foot.

'Just the basics. I don't need anything fancy, just a dress, a pair of shorts and pants, a t-shirt and something warm to go over the top to tide me over. That's all…..really.'

Cathie felt like she was tempting fate to contemplate the future further than the next few days. She quickly chose a pair of low cut jeans and a shorts and t-shirt set in aquamarine, Blanche declaring the colour matched her eyes. A simple pale blue cotton shift and a deeper blue polo fleece sweater finished off a determined Cathie's list of must haves.

'Ethan will just love you in those colours.' Darlene exclaimed.


Why Ethan's opinion of Cathie's choice of colour should carry so much weight with the housekeeper was puzzling to say the least. Certainly he was footing the bill one. Cathie had kept a mental tally fully intending to repay when she regained her memory and her life. But he wasn't going to wear the clothes she had chosen. In the short time that Cathie had known him Ethan did not appear to be a control freak who would expect to approve of her choices. When he had said Darlene had carte blanch to buy whatever Cathie wanted she believed he was sincere. So why was Darlene continually making references to Ethan's approval especially the sexy underwear that Cathie was certain he wouldn't ever see?

Within minutes a pair of low heeled sandals and comfortable sailor shoes was chosen to complement the outfits with Cathie stubbornly refusing to try on the stilettos unboxed by the eager co-conspirators. The sandals would be fine around the house while the shoes were necessary for her plan of a series of day trips connected with finding out who she was. No social outings were on her agenda.

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