'Yippee! Shopping!'

For a very young girl Chloe had already developed a passion for the time honoured pastime of the Eastern Suburbs set though the clothes she sought were usually for her favourite Barbie.

'Not you Honey. Cathie and Darlene have to get a complete wardrobe without tiring our guest. You'll only slow them down and make the day longer than it need be.'

'But Dad...' pleaded the 5 year old in a voice that will bend future suitors around her little finger.

'But Ethan...' pleaded the increasingly flustered houseguest in a voice that could bend Ethan around her little finger now if she but tried it.

To Chloe, the easier of the two to face. 'No buts. It's preschool day today anyway.' And to Cathie while resisting the temptation to look more closely at what was definitely not on offer said 'You can get up when you want, it's still very early. There's no hurry as David will be about an hour dropping Chloe and then me at the office. Come on Chloe let Cathie linger in bed or get up for breakfast, her choice. I was expecting to leave 5 minutes ago. Now scoot.' Reluctantly looking towards Cathie. 'Enjoy today Cathie but don't overtire yourself. Anything you miss out on getting today Darlene can pick up tomorrow.' With that he was gone leaving behind a very disconcerted houseguest.

Cathie got out of bed and padded into the dressing room to grab the lone pant suit which hung forlornly on its hanger and the another pair of underwear still in cellophane on the shelf nearby and entered the ensuite marveling again at its size and opulence. She gingerly shampooed her hair carefully avoiding the still tender lump. A few minutes of upside down blow drying saw her hair fall gently around her shoulders like a cloud framing her face. Pleased, upon checking her reflection in the mirror, that the bruising was largely unnoticeable it being 5 days since the accident Cathie made her way downstairs and to the kitchen. The smell of pancakes and coffee assailed her senses and made her stomach make quite unfeminine noises. Darlene must have heard her shower as the housekeeper placed the freshly cooked food out on the table and filled up her coffee cup. Settling herself at the breakfast table Cathie could only wince at the huge platefuls Darlene had placed in front of her.

'You expecting company for breakfast? A football team perhaps?'

'You're too skinny and you'll need the energy if we're going to outfit you in one day.'

'But Darlene I really don't need a lot, just a few things that I can mix and match.'


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