Zoe slowly turned towards the podium fearful and yet eager to see if she was in fact not dreaming.


He held the audience and one particular member in the palm of his hand for a full hour. He spoke of his childhood, poor financially but rich in love and support. How he had worked 3 jobs to pay for uni fitting them around his training for and making the Olympic 8's. The knock backs and successes. Even the millions. His broken marriage and love for his daughter. The anticipation and responsibility he felt when he had been booked months ago as the key note speaker at his alma mater.

And the challenges that lay ahead.

It took Zoe a while to recover her wits and to realize that while on the surface his words could be applied to everyone's experience, to motivate and inspire, the underlying message was for her alone. Phrases such as commitment, finding common goals, overcoming all obstacles, recognition that if you want something badly enough then you let nothing get in your way, of soul mates. They reached out and mended her fractured heart.

And like her, Zoe conceded gladly, his presence here today had been ordained months ago.

While Ethan often looked up at the students he was there to enthrall his gaze frequently returned to and lingered on the only one that captivated him.

'So ladies and gentlemen, that's it. I'd like to now open the floor to your questions.' While the offer was to the whole theatre Ethan only had eyes for one in the front row.

'You single?' an impertinent female voice called out.

'Alas yes.'


'You gonna get married?' called another hopeful.

'Not yet.'

'Why not?'

'I haven't asked…yet.'

'Wanna girlfriend?' asked a third earnestly.

After a pause came the amused reply. 'No.'

A collective sigh of disappointment rippled up the tiers.

'Want a boyfriend?' queried a lower voice.

'No, not one of them either?'

A not so obvious sigh met his answer this time.

'Well what do you want?' came an exasperated demand.

During these cheeky questions Ethan, his eyes never leaving Zoe's face, had made his way off the small stage, to stand squarely in front of her leaning on crossed forearms on the long bench, his face inches from hers.

'Do you know what I want?' Ethan's quiet question echoed through the speakers.

Zoe meanwhile had pressed back into her seat, on one hand mortified that Ethan was standing so close in full view of her students and on the other soaking up his nearness after so long apart.

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