'- and how grateful she is for your hospitality. But now that we have been reunited you no longer have to bear the burden. She is mine to look after now, with my being her boyfriend and all. The sooner we can return south and get on with our life the better.'

'But first that drink… yes?'


'It's so pleasant out on the terrace perhaps we could have this…farewell drink out there.'

'Last drink? How appropriate.'

Wayne practically dragged Zoe out of the chair using her body to shield the gun held firmly in his right hand, the point poking painfully into Zoe's ribs. The glued together pair followed Ethan out onto the sun drenched terrace which had uninterrupted 180° views of the harbour. Zoe frantically scanned the grounds for a sign that perhaps Ethan had not walked into the trap, that he had support but couldn't see anything.

'Your drink then.' Ethan handed Wayne his drink needing to reach past Zoe to deliver the tumbler to Wayne's free hand. Zoe searched Ethan's eyes for some hint that he knew the score but only saw a chilling calm and a deadly purpose. 'Cheers'.

'I'll second that'.

Wayne then sculled his drink and placed it carefully on the table, his once agitated face taking on a frighteningly resolved look.


'You're not downing yours I see.'

'Like all the best things in life time spent savoring fine scotch is time well spent.'

'Enjoy. You never know when your time will run out and it's going to be your last.'

'You have a rather pessimistic view on life.'

'No. A realistic one.'

'How so?'

'Well take you for instance. You have everything a man could want but when your time is up all the money in the world won't save you.'

'They say the love of a good woman can save a man.'

'You have that?'

'Definately!' Ethan looked keenly into Zoe's eyes. The message she saw there was one of reassurance that everything would work out.

'Oh, please let's stop playing games.'

'I didn't realise that we were, Wayne. In all matters dealing with Zoe's welfare I'm deadly serious.'

'An apt turn of phrase.'

Wayne stepped out from behind Zoe and snapped his arm up, the hand pointing the gun directly at Ethan violently shaking.

Zoe lunged at Wayne then the world exploded.

Ear splitting gunfire.


More blood.

Ethan gone.




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