Ethan interrupted her painful reflections to make his point again.

'Lauren, it took Darlene's harsh words to make me see that you are an honest, caring and ethical person. Essentially a good person and that like in the courts innocent until proven guilty. Even then-' Ethan continued emphatically holding her gaze intently, '-you are now a new person with a clean slate. Whatever the circumstances of your recent past they are no longer in play. Your life began 2 weeks ago. Even if you remember everything, that won't change.'

'Yes they will Ethan.' Lauren contradicted soberly. 'If I remember everything my previous life may prevent me from living this…any new one.'

'I don't see why it would?'

'I can't continue to sponge off you Ethan.' Holding up her hand when Ethan began to interrupt Lauren continued. 'I have a career. I must have family, have a home, have a life. Maybe even people who depend on me. If I have done this heinous thing then I have to live with that, return to wherever I came from and accept the consequences, make right the wrong. Accept…that I do not belong here.' With you she wanted to add. Lauren raised questioning eyebrows as she realised that Ethan hadn't actually told her where she was from.

'Ethan, where do I live?'

'With me.' Ethan then explained that he didn't want to tell her exactly where she was from and who she knows in case she felt tempted to seek them out. And leave him. 'It might be too upsetting to come face to face with your past and find you still don't remember it. Surely it would be better to wait until your memory returned without that kind of pressure?'

Lauren was adamant for some details. Ethan was obviously just as adamant that he wouldn't give them yet.

'Down south. Please allow any memories stirred by today's revelations to surface naturally. If after a few days you still can't remember I'll fill you in. O.K?'

Since Lauren had hoped she could stay here with Ethan, despite it only postponing the inevitable she quickly agreed to adopt a wait and see approach.


Wait and see if Ethan could come to love me as I love him. As if, she thought grimly. On his side it's just guilt.

'If you think so.'

'I know so. Anyway you have to finish organizing my party and then tomorrow night be my hostess.'

'The organization for the party is all under control but I asked Magnolia to act as your hostess for the night.' Well she hadn't exactly asked. She had been shamed into accepting the buxom blondes 'generous' offer to fulfill the duty.

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